Professori/esse Ordinari/e
Course Catalogue:
Curriculum Vitae
Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo
Studio 5.22 Palazzo Corigliano
Piazza San Domenico Maggiore 12
Napoli 80134
tel. 081 6909781
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Posizione attuale Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua e letteratura indonesiana presso l’Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale” (ASIA 01/F ex LOR/21)
2003 Dottorato di ricerca in linguistica conseguito presso la Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia con tesi di dottorato in lingua inglese sulla linguistica storica delle lingue Austronesiane dal titolo: “A classification of the Kenyah variants in Sarawak and Kalimantan”, relatore Prof. Dr. James T. Collins.
Lingue conosciute Italiano, inglese, indonesiano, malese, francese, lingue kenyah e punan.
Titoli e Posizioni accademiche
2022 Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua e letteratura indonesiana (LOR/21 Lingue e letterature della Cina e del Sud-est Asiatico). Università di Napoli L’Orientale.
2020-presente Componente del Progetto PRIN: Metalinguistic texts as a privileged data source for the knowledge of ancient languages.
2020-presente Componente del Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo: La trasmissione dei saperi fra oralità e scrittura: una ricerca comparata in contesto afro-mediterraneo.
2018-presente Componente del Progetto di Ricerca interdisciplinare “Maritime Cultural Resources of Indonesia. Contemporary boatbuilding in Tana Beru, Bira and Batu Licin” con Chiara Zazzaro. Università degli studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ e Universitas Indonesia.
2018 Conseguimento dell’Abilitazione scientifica nazionale per professore di I fascia settore concorsuale 10/N3.
2013- presente Componente del Dottorato Asia Africa e Mediterraneo all’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2017-2020 Componente del progetto di ricerca CRISEA (Competing Regional Integrationin South-East Asia) dell'European Commission - Horizon 2020 in collaborazione con EFEO.
2017-2020 Componente del Progetto di ricerca internazionale A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages coordinato da Atsuko Utsumi - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2015-2022 Professoressa associata di Lingua e Letteratura Indonesiana per il settore disciplinare LOR/21 Lingue e Letterature della Cina e dell’Asia Sud-orientale Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2009-2014 Ricercatrice universitaria confermata di Lingua e Letteratura Indonesiana per il settore disciplinare LOR/21 Lingue e Letterature della Cina e dell’Asia Sud-orientale Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2010-2015 Visiting scholar for the Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Jakarta Field Station) per il progetto sull'acquisizione del bilinguismo italo-indonesiano e per il progetto sulla documentazione e descrizione delle lingue Kenyah e Punan del Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Dal 2013 Research Fellow at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies per lo studio e la documentazione delle lingue indonesiane del Borneo.
2009-2013 Componente del progetto di ricerca internazionale coordinato da Asako Shiohara del Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Descriptive Studies on Indonesian Languages: Their Diversity and Similarity.
2007-2011 Componente del Progetto internazionale di analisi testuale sulle emozioni e stati d’animo diretto dal Prof. Santangelo, sullo studio di testi letterari indonesiani contemporanei.
2004-2005 Coordinatrice ed esecutrice del progetto di ricerca finanziato da UNESCO Jakarta “Documenting Oma’ Lung and Uma’ Kulit, two Kenyah languages of Borneo”.
2000-2009 Ricercatrice linguistica per il dipartimento di Linguistica del Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Jakarta Field Station) per il progetto sull'acquisizione del linguaggio infantile indonesiano. Direttrice degli esperimenti. Coordinatrice e Ricercatrice per il progetto sul bilinguismo, per il progetto sul linguaggio figurativo e per il progetto sulla documentazione delle lingue Kenyah e Punan.
2005-2009 Professoressa a contratto di 75 ore per l'insegnamento della materia Lingua e Letteratura indonesiana presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’ Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2000-2002 Docente di Linguistica Generale per il programma di Master in Linguistica Applicata presso la Universitas Atmajaya, Jakarta.
1999-2000 Docente di Lingua e Cultura Italiana presso la Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Indonesia (Contributi MAE)
1995-1999 Docente di Lingua e Cultura Italiana presso la Universitas Indonesia- Jakarta Indonesia (Contributi MAE)
1993-1995 Componente del Progetto di ricerca Culture and Conservation in Kayan Mentarang – Kalimantan diretto da Bernard Sellato e finanziato da UNESCO e WWF Indonesia (1993-1995).
1991-1994 Borsa di studio del Ministero dell’Università e ricerca scientifica per la specializzazione post-universitaria presso istituzioni estere di livello universitario utilizzata presso l’Universitas Indonesia per il conseguimento del Master in Linguistica (1991- 1994).
Altre esperienze
2019 Lavori di ricerca linguistica e etnografica sul campo per il Progetto “Maritime Cultural Resource of Indonesia. Contemporary boatbuilding in Tana Beru, Bira and Batu Licin” Università degli studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ e Universitas Indonesia.
2015 Interprete ufficiale per la visita di Stato del Presidente della Repubblica italiana Mattarella in Indonesia.
2004-2015 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur e Kalimantan Utara (comunità Kenyah, Kayanic, Punan e Penan).
1993-1996 Componente del Progetto interdisciplinare di ricerca ‘Culture and Conservation in Kayan Mentarang – Kalimantan’ diretto da Bernard Sellato and finanziato da UNESCO e WWF Indonesia (1993-1995).
1993 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur (5 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1995 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur (2 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1997 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Sarawak (2 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1991-2010 Interprete e traduttrice da e in Indonesiano Italiano
Deleghe, Commissioni e Incarichi
2023-2025 Componente della Commisssione ASN per 10/N3
2020- 2022 Incaricata dall’ANVUR a far parte del gruppo GEV per la Valutazione della Ricerca Universitaria VQR 2015-2019 per l’area 10N.
Dal 2019 Delegata del Rettore per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo e Rappresentante per l’Università di Napoli L’Orientale alla Rete CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo)
Dal 2019 Responsabile Erasmus per gli accordi con la Olomouc University (Repubblica ceca) e con la Middlesex University London
2019-2023 Responsabile di assegno di ricerca in lingua vietnamita
2015-2019 Responsabile di assegno di ricerca in indonesianistica
Dal 2018 Tutor per studenti della laurea triennale del CDS in Lingue e culture
Dal 2016 Componente della commissione ERASMUS e Relazioni internazionali per il Dipartimento DAAM
Dal 2014 Componente del Collegio di Dottorato Asia Africa e Mediterraneo
Dal 2010 Responsabile delle convenzioni con le Università indonesiane (Universitas Indonesia, Gajah Mada, Atma Jaya, Udayana, Sumatera Utara, Manado, Negeri Yogyakarta, Borneo, Nasional, KTL, UIN Surakarta, BRI, UNDIP.
2012-2017 Delegata del Dipartimento DAAM nel comitato tecnico scientifico del CILA
Presentazioni/ Relazioni a convegni
Su invito
2022 Seminar Internasional Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah II (Sinar Bahtera II) 23-25 August 2022. “Dokumentasi bahasa (dan revitalisasi?) Pengalaman dari Kalimantan dan Sulawesi”.
2022 Language Documentation 8 Università della Tuscia 11-15/7 2022 “Language documentation and interdisciplinarity. Some case studies from Borneo and Sulawesi in Indonesia”.
2022 Public lecture at Universitas Hasanuddin: “Language Documentation and Oral Traditions Experiences from case studies in Kalimantan and Sulawesi.”
2022 Public lecture ATL con Chiara Zazzaro at National Library in Jakarta: “Indonesian boatbuilding traditions: Experiences, methodologies and description of an international joint multidisciplinary project”.
2021 Webinar UGM: “Membaca Sastra Indonesia di Italia: sebuah refleksi dan perbandingan dengan sastra Italia di Indonesia”.
2021 Online conference and Webinar Indigenous History and Kowledge in the globalizing world. University Pendidikan Ganesha Bali. 26-27/08/2021 “Oral Traditions and local languages in the globalized world. Experiences from case studies in Kalimantan and Sulawesi”.
2021 Webinar KIMLI (Konferensi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Hasanuddin) 18-20-2021. “Documentary linguistics and interdisciplinarity. Experiences in Kalimantan and Sulawesi”.
2021 Webinar all’Istituto italiano di Cultura di Jakarta, Literature that Binds. 21/04/21 “Teaching Indonesian language and literature in Napoli: cultural diplomacy”.
2020 Webinar Seminar Antropolinguistik Universitas Sumatera Utara.10/12/2020. “Experiences from linguistic fieldwork in Indonesia. An anthropological linguistics approach”.
2020 Webinar for International program at Universtas Udayana, Bali. 27/11/2020. “Field Work and Interdisciplinary Approach: The Perspective and Experiences of a Linguist”.
2020 Webinar SEMILOKA IV Pengajaran BIPA. APPBIPA Eropa - Jerman. “Pembelajaran BIPA di Italia”.
2020 Webinar International Relations : Indonesia, Italy and East Asia, Universitas Negeri Manado. “International relations between University of Naples “L’Orientale” and Indonesian Institutions”.
2020 Webinar Seri Tradisi Lisan: Sejarah ATL dan Kajian Tradisi Lisan Nusantara. “Tradisi lisan dan Bahasa. Pengalaman seorang linguis”.
2020 Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia 16 – 18 February 2020. “Language Documentation in Indonesia: Directions, Approaches and Few Case Studies”.
2019 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. III Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University Of Foreign Studies. " Indonesian In North Kalimantan: A Melting Pot Of National, Regional And Local Features".
2019 Universitas Indonesia, Depok Public Lecture At Fakultas Ilmu Budaya “Indonesian-Italian Relations From A Literary Perspective”.
2019 IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Surakarta Public Lecture “Bahasa Indonesia dalam Diplomasi Pertukaran Budaya antar Bangsa”.
2019 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Konferensi Internasional Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Penutur Asing (KIPBIPA) XI. “Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Di Italia: Kendala Dan Tantangan di Era 4.0”.
2019 Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta-PKBB. “Italy and Indonesia. How much do they know each other? A Literary perspective”.
2019 Language documentation 7 Università di Bolzano 11-13/2 2019 “Documenting variation in Punan Kalimantan – Indonesia. Experiences and reflections”.
2018 1st International Conference on Local Wisdom Incolwis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. “A multi-disciplinary approach in the study of languages, cultures and local wisdom. Experience from the Kenyah and Punan of Kalimantan Utara”.
2018 1st International Conference on natural resources and sustainable development. Universitas Sumatera Utara - Medan. “Sustainability at stake in Borneo. The contribution of the the study on Kenyah and Punan languages and cultures.”
2018 Workshop CRISEA at Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi. “Generations of workers” Impact of 'development' in two Punan villages in Kalimantan-Indonesia.
2018 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. II Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. "Towards a characterization of the language spoken in Kalimantan Utara: Middle Indonesian, Common Indonesian or Regional Indonesian? Notes on morphosyntax".
2017 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. I Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. "The Indonesian language of interethnic communication in the Province of Kaltara, Kalimantan".
2017 International conference on Local Wisdom Universitas Sumatra Utara. "From Orality to Literacy. Empowering the Punan Tuvu’ community of North Kalimantan with a book on language and literature"
2017 International simposium on teaching Indonesian as a foreign language. Yogyakarta. Pengajaran bahasa Indonesia di Italia: Anak tiri di antara bahasa Asia. Tantangan, kendala dan harapan ke depan.
2017 International conference on Indonesia-Malaysia Relations (PAHMI 11) Universitas Indonesia. Borderland people of Borneo. Oral Literatures and the case study of the Punan Tuvu’ of North Kalimantan. Reflections on history, language identity and cultural contact in Borneo.
2016 International Seminar and workshop. Documenting Minority Languages: Theory and Practice. Universitas Kristen Arta Wacana, Kupang. “Language documentation and empowerment of local communities. Experiences in Borneo”.
2016 Kongres Bahasa Daerah Nusantara, Bandung. “Bahasa Kenyah dan Punan di Kalimantan Dewasa Ini: Tantangan dan Upaya Penyelamatan Peran dokumentasi bahasa dalam upaya pelestarian bahasa daerah di Kalimantan Utara.”
2016 Seminar nasional tradisi lisan Universitas Dwijendra, Denpasar “Kearifan lokal dan nilai budaya dalam sastra lisan Kenyah dan Punan di Kalimantan. Perspektif linguistik”.
2016 Konferensi internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, KIMLI- Universitas Udayana Bali. “Language documentation and Oral Literature in the Punan Tuvu’ community of North Kalimantan. Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong. Reflections on history, language identity and cultural contact in Borneo.
2015 Seminar Internasional Bahasa Dan Sastra Austronesia Dan Non-Austronesia VII – Universitas Udayana Denpasar, ”Language Classification in Borneo: the Position of Merap”.
2015 Diversity linguistics: Retrospect and Prospect. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Antrhopology, Leipzig. “A new look at the Kayanic branch: data from Merap”.
2013 International Asia Folklor Congress. Yogyakarta. Tradisi lisan Punan. Rekonstruksi Simbol identitas di Borneo. (Punan Oral tradition. Reconstruction of symbols of identity in Borneo).
2011 Songs of Memory Safeguarding Cultural Heritage at the Turn of the 21st Century Ateneo de Manila. “Documentation of oral traditions in the Kenyah and Punan communities of Borneo”
Presentazione relazione a conferenze
2022 12 EUROSEAS (European South-East Asian Studies) Conference Paris 28 June-1 July 2022. “Humour as Politics in Contemporary Indonesia. Three female artists and their witty stories” in the panel Humour as Politics: Parody, Irony, and Satire in Southeast Asia.
2022 VII Congresso CUCS Napoli 2022 La Cooperazione universitaria nelle nuove sfide per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Napoli 21-23 aprile 2022. A. Soriente & C. Zazzaro. “The impact of SARS-COV2 on an Indonesian-Italian cooperative research project, Università di Napoli L’Orientale” in the panel The Impact of Sars-Cov 21 Limitations on Cooperation. New trajectories and methodologies in the field of humanities: sociology, anthropology and linguistics
2019 3rd International Conference on Nautical and Maritime Culture (CNM) 14-15 November 2019 Naples (Italy). Antonia Soriente, Chiara Zazzaro, Giuseppe Ferraioli and Ginandjar Purnawibawa. “Contemporary boatbuliding traditions in South Sulawesi”.
2019 Le Lingue Islamiche. Roma TRE University, Rome 2-3 July 2019. “Indonesian, an Islamic, Islamized or Arabized language?”
2019 4th ITASEAS (Italian South-East Asian studies Conference 2019. Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘LOrientale’ 22-24 May 2019. “Roles, morality and criticism of women in Indonesian literature. Some case studies”.
2019 4th ITASEAS (Italian South-East Asian studies Conference 2019. Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘LOrientale’ 22-24 May 2019. “Roundtable: Beyond exoticism. How to narrate South-East Asia to the Italian public”.
2019 AITLA XIX (The nineteen Conference of the Italian Association for Applied Linguistics, University of Cagliari. “National language versus Local languages Indonesia: globalization and localism in tension in North Kalimantan”.
2018 The Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12), Universiti Sains Malaysia USM, Penang. “What can languages tell us about the Punan ethnolinguistic groups? A look into language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan”.
2018 14 Borneo Research Council Conference, (BRC 14) UNIMAS Kuching. “A look into language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan. Punan Tuvu’, Punan Semeriot and Punan Dulau”.
2018 14 International Conference on Austronesian languages (ICAL 14), University of Antananarivo. “Language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan. A language documentation project”.
2018 I sistemi di scrittura. Diversità Minacciata? Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ Napoli. “I sistemi di scrittura in Indonesia. Il caso del Batak” con Giuseppina Monaco.
2018 Living traditions of Indonesia. Latest research. Università ‘L’Orientale’ Napoli. “The multidisciplinary approach to the study of oral traditions”.
2017 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics (ISMIL 21), Langkawi, “The lexicon of peace in Indonesian”.
2017 Les Mots de la paix. Founding texts: Spirituality vs political Ethics. Workshop at IFAO Cairo. "The lexicon of Peace in the Malay Annals".
2017 International Seminar and workshop. Documenting languages of Nusa Tenggara Timur. Universitas Kristen Arta Wacana, Kupang. “What data do we collect (and how) for a language documentation project?”.
2016 Reconciling Indonesian History with 1965: Facts, Rumours and Stigma. Goethe University, Frankfurt. “Indonesian literature about 1965. Fear, trauma and stigma”.
2016 3rd Italian Conference on South East Asian Studies ITASEAS, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale”. “The adventures of Unjung and Mbui Kuvong. How language documentation can help to understand oral literature, language and cultural contact in Borneo”.
2016 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 20, Melbourne, “Plurality and Pluractionality in Indonesian”.
2015 Conference on Hunter Gatherers societies CHAGS XI, University of Vienna. Antonia Soriente and Ilaria Micheli “Oral Tradition as a field of research in HG History, Language and Identity. Case studies from Africa and Indonesia”.
2015 13 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Academia Sinica. Taipei. 13 ICAL “Mbraa. A Modang-Bahau language? A preliminary description and classification of an endangered language”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Negeri Manado. “Foundations of language documentation and experience in Borneo”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Cendana Kupang. “Language documentation and language endangerment”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Balai Bahasa and Universitas Udayana – Bali “Oral traditions and Language documentation.”.
2014 New research on Indonesian traditional and contemporary arts (music, dance, theatre, visual arts): an exchange between Indonesian and Italian perspectives. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. “The fate of Oral traditions in Indonesia. A view from Borneo”.
2014 Borneo Research Council Conference University Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu “Quotative verbs and the behaviour of the multifunctional prefix ke- in Northern Borneo”.
2014 Seventh Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL7) SOAS London ”Verbs of “say’ and grammaticalisation in North Borneo: evidence from Punan Tubu’ and Kenyah”.
2014 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 18, Procida, “Acquisition of Reduplication in Indonesian: the case Study of an Indonesian-Italian Bilingual child”.
2014 Les Mots de la paix. II Atelier international. Università di Napoli ‘l’Orientale’. “The concept of unity in diversity in the Malay-Indonesian world. A lexicographic analysis of words for peace, harmony and agreement.”
2014 Workshop on language documentation at Universiti Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu. “What is language documentation?”
2014 II Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Udayana Bali.
“Foundations of language documentation. Experience from Borneo”.
2014 International Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Mulawarman Kalimantan. “Language documentation in Kalimantan”.
“Oral literature as a bi-product of language documentation.”
2013 Les Mots de la paix. Atelier international. College de France. “Les mots de la paix dans le text malais-indonesiennes.”
2013 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Udayana Bali. “Field work and language documentation. Experiences in Borneo.”
2013 Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies “Informations structure devices in Punan Tubu’”
2013 Languaging Diversity. Università di Napoli L’Orientale. “Minority languages in Indonesia: the case of the Kenayh and Punan languages of Borneo.”
2013 Challenges to (endangered) minority languages of South-East Asia. Panel held at EUROSEAS in Lisbon. Use and trends of minority languages in Borneo: Some case studies.
2013 International Workshop on 'Special Genres' in and around Indonesia ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”
2012 International Workshop on Clause Combining in/ around Indonesian Languages ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Subordination, coordination, juxtaposition and lexical borrowing in clause combining in Punan and Kenyah languages of Borneo”
2012 SEALS South East Asia linguistics conference. Agay France. Spatial relations in Borneo.
2012 ICAL Inernational conference on Austronesian linguistics. Ma’ Pnaan, a language from East Kalimantan.
2012 International Workshop Current Trends of Linguistic Research of Indigenous Languages in Indonesia, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Kalimantan languages: An overview of current research and documentation”
2011 Workshop on Deixis and Spatial Expressions in Indonesian Languages Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Deixis in Kenyah and Punan languages of Borneo”.
2011 ITASEAS Seconda conferenza italiana di studi sul Sud Est Asiatico Spazi e anfratti linguistici e letterari – “Expression of Emotions and States of Mind in Literary Indonesian”
2011 Reconstruction of the representation of Emotions, States of Mind and Imagery in imperial China. Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni. “Manifestations of positive expectations and interactions in an Indonesian novel”
2011 Workshop on TAME in Indonesian languages Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Variation in aspect and modality in Borneo”.
2011 Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “TAME systems in Borneo”.
2010 XXXV Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Glottologia: Etimologia in area austronesiana.
2010 Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Voice and focus system in Kenyah and Punan languages of East Kalimantan”.
2010 SEALS XX South-East Asia Linguistic Society. University of Zurich. “Punan and Penan. Are they related?”.
2010 Reconstruction of the representation of Emotions, States of Mind and Imagery in imperial China. Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni. “Analysis of particles and interjections as conveyors of emotions and states of mind in an Indonesian novel.”
2009 International Conference on Southeast Asian languages Paris Diderot “Patterns of focus and voice in some languages of Central Borneo”
2009 AcquisiLyon 09 Lyon, “The acquisition of verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”
2009 19 International historical Linguistics Conference, (ICHL) Nijmegen. “Reconstructing kinship terminologies in the languages of the hunter-gatherers of Borneo” in the Panel Kinship terminologies: change and reconstruction.
2009 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Aussois, France, “Morphosyntax of Punan and Kenyah languages in Borneo”
2009 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 13, Lombok, “Mind and emotion as a body in literary Indonesian. A preliminary report”. (with Poppy Siahan).
2009 Languages of South-east Asia University of California, Los Angeles “The languages of hunter-gatherers in Borneo: a comparison of Punan Tubu’ and Penan Benalui”.
2008 Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood, Hong Kong “The acquisition of Italian verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2008 Borneo Research Council-BRC—Kota Kinabalu Sabah “Notes on the morphology of Oma Longh, the most divergent of the Kenyah variants”.
2008 The International Workshop on Minority Languages in the Malay/Indonesian Speaking World Leiden, “Malay and Indonesian borrowings in Kenyah Oma Longh and Lebu’ Kulit”
2008 Emotions behind Smile and Laugh: from facial expression to literary descriptions Bologna "Smile and laugh: manifestations of emotions and dispositions in the novels of contemporary female Indonesian writers"
2007 Third Conference on Austronesian Languages and Linguistics (ALL3) SOAS London ”The language of the Penan Benalui”.
2007 V EUROSEAS – Naples “Expressions of homosexual love and emotions in contemporary Indonesian literature”.
2007 XI International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL XI-Manokwari “The acquisition of temporal markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2007 ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism)- Hamburg. “Pragmatic versus grammatical coding of time: The acquisition of TAM markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2006 South East Asian Linguistic Society- SEALS-Jakarta. “Is Penan Benalui a Kenyah language? On the classification of the language of a hunter-gatherers group in Kalimantan”
2006 Borneo Research Council-BRC--Kuching-Sarawak- “Documenting Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit”
2006 Leipzig Spring School on Language Diversity-Students Conference-LESCOL-Leipzig. “Language documentation in two Kenyah communities”
2006 X International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL-University of Delaware. “The acquisition of questions in a bilingual Italian-Indonesian child”
2006 10 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics ICAL. “Reference to Space and time in two Kenyah Languages”.
2005 Konferensi Linguistik Nasional XI-Padang Indonesia: “Uma’ Kulit: A Kenyah or Kayan language? Linguistic classifications and local epistemology.
2005 Association for linguistic typology ALT VI- Padang Indonesia: “ Deictics in Oma Lung a Kenyah langauge of kalimantan”
2005 International Association for the study of Child Language- Berlin: “Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2005 Languages and Literatures of Western Borneo 144 Years of Research ATMA-IKON. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia “Linguistic classifications and local epistemology in Borneo. The case of Kenyah languages of Borneo”.
2005 International Seminar on Bilingualism ISB5 Barcelona: “Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2005 Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition Mitteleuropa Foundation –Bolzano “Cross-linguistic and cognitive factors in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2005 Workshop on Indonesian Linguistics-Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig–Department of Linguistics: “Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Language Development of an Indonesian-Italian Bilingual Child
2004 South East Asia Linguistic Society SEALS 7 Bangkok: “A classification of Kenyah languages”.
2004 Child Language Seminar. University of West England Bristol: “Language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2004 International Seminar on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 8 Penang: “Analysis of mixed forms in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2004 39th Linguistics Colloquium: Variation in language theory and language acquisition- Amsterdam: “Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2004 Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya Jakarta KOLITA 2: “Pemerolehan negasi pada seorang anak dwibahasa”.
2003 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 7 Nijmegen: “Patterns of negation in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
1997 Europe-Asia Forum on University Relations Università La Sapienza e il CIRPS (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sui paesi in via di Sviluppo): “Studying in Indonesia”.
1996 Borneo Research Council Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam: “The Kenyah languages along the Kayan River”.
1995 Borneo Research Council – Pontianak: “The linguistic situation in the Pujungan District”.
1994 International Conference on Austronesian languages ICAL 7 – Leiden: “The Kenyah Isolects of Long Pujungan District in northeast Kalimantan”.
Organizzazione di Conferenze
2022 Organizzazione con Le Thuy Hien della sessione tematica Humour as Politics: Parody, Irony, and Satire in Southeast Asiadella Conferenza Euroseas (European South-East Asian studies conference) a Parigi 28 giugno-1 luglio 20221.
2022 Organizzazione del VII Convegno CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) in collaborazione tra Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” e l’Università di Napoli Federico II: Napoli 21-23 aprile 2022.
2022 Organizzazione di Laboratori di Lingua e cultura filippina all’Unvierstià di Napoli “L’Orientale.
2021 Organizzazione con Aurora Donzelli della sessione tematica Place Branding in Southeast Asia: a Contested Landscape alla XI edizione della Conferenza Euroseas (European South-East Asian studies conference) a Olomouc (Repubblica Ceca) 7-10 settembre 2021.
2021 Organizzazione del seminario di Lingua e linguistica indonesiana (Lessicografia computazionale e Corpus linguistico) tenuto da David Moeljadi della Palacky University - Olomouc Repubblica Ceca (Scambio Erasmus) 8-16 maggio 2021.
2019-2022 Organizzazione di Laboratori di Lingua e cultura vietnamita all’Unvierstià di Napoli “L’Orientale.
2019 Organizzazione della 4th ITASEAS Conference (Italian Association of South-East Asian Studies Conference) University of Naples 'L'Orientale', Procida, Napoli. 22-24 maggio 2019.
2019 Organizzazione del seminario tenuto da Erminia Colucci della Middlesex University London (Scambio Erasmus) Antropologia visuale applicata in Asia: Indonesia, Filippine, India e Giappone. Seminario, proiezioni, laboratorio. 8-14 marzo 2019.
2018 Organizzazione del Workshop internazionale. Living traditions of Indonesia. University of Naples 'L'Orientale'. 25-26 giugno 2018.
2018 Organizzazione del Seminario Internazionale Writing systems. Endangered diversity? University of Naples 'L'Orientale'. 28-05-2018.
2016 Organizzazione della 3rd ITASEAS Conference (Italian Association of South-East Asian Studies Conference) University of Naples 'L'Orientale', Procida, Napoli. 20- 22 giugno 2016.
2014 Organizzazione della conferenza ISMIL 18 (The Eighteenth International Symposium On Malay/Indonesian Linguistics) University of Naples 'L'Orientale'Procida, Napoli. 13-16 giugno 2014.
2013 Organizzazione della Sessione tematica "Challenges to (Endangered) Minority Languages in Southeast Asia" a Conferenza EUROSEAS (European South East Asian Studies) Lisbon. 02- 05 luglio 2013.
2011 Coordinamento e organizzazione della seconda conferenza Italian Sout East Asian Studies (ITASEAS)’ con Silvia Vignato e Pietro Masina all’University of Studies of Milan Bicocca. 8-29 aprile 2011.
2019 Sitti Faizah Soenoto Rivai e Antonia Soriente. Corso della lingua indonesiana. Milano: Hoepli.
2006 Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University Press.
Contributi in volume
In stampa “Language documentation in Indonesia. Directions, approaches and few case studies in Kalimantan and beyond.” In Abtahian, Maya R., and Abigail C. Cohn, Thomas J. Conners, J. Joseph Errington, and Yanti eds to appear. Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field. Ithaca, NY: SEAP Publications, Cornell University Press.
2022 Language contact in Borneo. The influence of Indonesian on Kenyah and Punan of Kalimantan”. In Pierre Le Roux, Alexander Adelaar, Bernard Moizo (eds): Bornéo à cœur. Hommage à Bernard Sellato, argonaute de la forêt tropicale. Auxonne: Le Murmure Editeurs.
2021 Soriente Antonia e Guido Creta “Gli Italiani e la Malesia: racconti di viaggiatori reali o immaginari” in Romeo Orlandi (ed.) Italia e Malesia. Politica, economia, cultura. AREL il Mulino. Bologna: 111-132. (edizione italiana).
2021 Sonya Puspasari Suganda and Antonia Soriente “Introduction”. In Sociolinguistic and Dialectological Studies in Indonesia. New York: Nova Publishers: XI-XXVIII.
2020 “Hunter Gatherers of Borneo and their languages” in Güldemann, Tom, Patrick McConvell and Richard Rhodes (eds.). The language of hunter-gatherers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 262-308.
2019 with Prasetyohadi “Dario Fo: Kegilaan dan Perlawanan”. Saggio critico introduttivo alla traduzione del volume di Dario Fo Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Yogyakarta: Kalabuku: 1-9.
2019 “I prestiti persiani in indonesiano. Bausani cinquant’anni dopo”. In Badalkhan Sabir, Gianpietro Basello and Matteo De Chiara (eds). Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi. Series Minor LXXXVII. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’.
2019 “Castigat ridendo mores. La denuncia parodica di Feby Indirani”. Saggio critico alla traduzione del volume di Feby Indirani Non è mica la Vergine Maria. Torino: ADD: 177-184.
2017 “Literary exchanges between Italy and Indonesia” in Romeo Orlandi (ed). Italy and Indonesia. Islands, peninsulas and archipelagos. Bologna, Arel Il Mulino: 81:112. (English edition). “Lo scambio di letteratura tra Italia e Indonesia" in Romeo Orlandi (ed.) Italia e Indonesia: isole, penisole, arcipelaghi. Bologna: Arel Il Mulino:85-116. (edizione italiana).
2015 Césard Nicolas, Soriente Antonia. “Yang lalu yang tak lekang: Dongeng dan mitos suku Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan.” Saggio critico introduttivo al volume di Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 21-45, Jakarta:École française d'Extrême-Orient & Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.
2015 “Catatan Tata Bahasa Punan Tuvu'.” (Note grammaticali della lingua Punan Tuvu’). In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente, (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 47-62, Jakarta:EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “Cerita Rakyat Punan Tuvu'.” (Racconti popolari in lingua Punan Tuvu’ e traduzione in indonesiano) In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.), Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. p. 63-163, Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “Kamus Bahasa Punan Tuvu’ – Indonesia”. (Dizionario lingua Punan Tuvu’-indonesiano). In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.), Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 187-362, Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “La voce dei dimenticati della storia. Ritorno a casa, un antidoto alla versione ufficiale dei fatti del 1965 in Indonesia”. Saggio critico introduttivo alla traduzione del romanzo di Leila Chudori Ritorno a casa. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2015 “Essere donna a Bali fuori dai canoni dell’Orientalismo” Saggio critico alla traduzione del romanzo di Oka Rusmini La danza della terra. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2014 “Notes on the morphology of Òma Lóngh.” In Sercombe PG, Boutin M, Clynes A (eds.) Advances in Linguistic and Cultural Research in Borneo (Memorial volume in honour of Peter Martin) 2014. Borneo Research Council.
2007 “Cross-linguistic and cognitive aspects in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child.” In Kesckes I. & L. Albertazzi (eds.) Cognitive aspects of bilingualism. Dordrecht; Springer: 325-362.
2006 “Introduction” In Soriente Antonia. Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University Press: xiv-xliii.
2006 “Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang: A Kenyah Language Documenta-tion Project in East Kalimantan.” In Chong Shin, Karim Harun, Yabit Alas Reflections in Borneo Rivers. Essays in honour of Prof. J.T. Collins. Pontianak: Stain Press: 65-96.
2004 “Pemerolehan negasi dari seorang anak dwibahasa Italia-Indonesia”. In Katharina E.Sukamto (ed.) KOLITA 2 Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya. Jakarta.
2004 “Epilog seorang kawan” in Muttaqien, Z. Komedi empat musim. Cerita terbaik dari Italia. Jakarta: Gagas Media.
1999 “Situasi kebahasaan di Kecamatan Long Pujungan”. In Eghenter, C. and B. Sellato (Eds.) Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam (Penelitian interdisipliner di pedalaman Kalimantan). Jakarta: WWF Indonesia: 465-483.
Articoli in Riviste
2022 Chiara Zazzaro, Horst Liebner, Antonia Soriente, Giuseppe Ferraioli, Ahmad Ginanjar Purnawibawa. “The Construction of an Historical Boat in South Sulawesi(Indonesia): The Padewakang.” Journal of Maritime Archaeology August 2022.
2022 Suroyo, Bima Maulana Putra, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini, Antonia Soriente, Robert Sibarani, Bedriati Ibrahim. “The Influence of Hindu Tradition on Petang Megang Ritual and Its Significance to the Indigenous Muslim Community in Pekanbaru Riau.” Heritage of Nusantara International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage June 2022 DOI: 10.31291/hn.v11i1.641
2020 “Indonesian in North Kalimantan. A melting pot of national, regional and local features” NUSA 68: 85-119.
2018 “Deictics in Borneo” Ethnorema 14: 1-34.
2017 “Le parole contano. L’inesauribile potere della poesia in un paese di contraddizioni”. RISE 2,1:11-12.
2017 “L’Indonesia in Italia e l’esperienza unica dell’Orientale”. RISE 2,1:16-18.
2015 Bernard Sellato and Antonia Soriente. “The Languages and Peoples of the Müller Mountains: A Contribution to the Study of the Origins of Borneo’s Nomads and their Languages” Wacana vol. 16, 2 (2015) n. 1: 339-354.
2014 “Language development of bilingual children The acquisition of tense and aspect in an Italian-Indonesian child: A case study” in Wacana. Jounal of the Humanities of Indonesia Jakarta, 15, 1: 131-164.
2014 “Studying Linguistic and Cultural Contact in Borneo. Prospects and Challenges.” Antropologia, Milano, 1, 1: 59-81.
2013 “The study of Emotions in literary indonesian: Love, sex and transgression in the novel Saman.” Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli "L’Orientale" 73:135-159.
2013 “Variation in aspect and modality in some languages of Northeastern Borneo”. In John Bowden in Tense, aspect, mood and evidentiality in languages of Indonesia NUSA 55: 193-218.
2013 “Undergoer Voice in Borneo: Penan, Punan, Kenyah and Kayan languages” In NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia vol 54. Voice variation in Austronesian languages of Indonesia: 175-203.
2011 “Patterns of negation in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”. In Linguistica Zero 4/2011: 158-208. Web: .
2006 “Uma’ Kulit: a Kenyah or Kayan language?” in Linguistik Indonesia 24,1:71-81.
2021 Sonya Puspasari Suganda and Antonia Soriente (eds.). Sociolinguistic and Dialectological Studies in Indonesia. New York: Nova Publishers.
2015 Césard Nicolas, Antonio Guerreiro, Antonia Soriente (eds) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong. Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. (The adventures of Unjung and Mbui Kuvong. Oral literature and a Dictionary of the Punan Tuvu’ from Kalimantan). Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
1988 Rossi, A L. Santa Maria & A. Soriente (eds.) Didattica delle lingue del Medio e dell'Estremo Oriente. Metodologia ed esperienze. Atti del Convegno nazionale (Napoli-Sorrento 1985), Napoli 1988, xiV-462 pp. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale- Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici Series Minor L.
Contributi in atti di Convegni
2019 Antonia Soriente, Chiara Zazzaro, Giuseppe Ferraioli and Ginandjar Purnawibawa. “Contemporary boatbuliding tradtions in South Sulawesi”. In Proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Nautical and Maritime Culture14-15 November 2019 Naples (Italy).
2013 “Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”. In Proceedings of the International workshop on ‘Special genres’ in and around Indonesia 2013: 151-166. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2011 “Etimologia in area austronesiana”. in in Alberto Manco-Domenico Silvestri (eds.), L’etimologia, Atti XXXV Convegno S.I.G., Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” Roma, Il Calamo.
2010 Voice and focus system in Penan and Kenyah languages of East Kalimantan in Proceedings of the Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies, 45-62.
2008 “A classification of Kenyah languages: a preliminary assessment”. in Proceedings of South East Asia Linguistic Society (SEALS) 14 – Bangkok- May 2004.
2006 “Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child” in Vliegen, M. (ed.) Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb Akten des 39. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Amsterdam 2004.
1997 The Kenyah Isolects of Long Pujungan District in northeast Kalimantan. In Ode', Stokhof 1997) Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Austronesian languages. Leiden: Leiden University projects Division: 713-738.
1997 “Studying in Indonesia”. In Proceedings of the Europe-Asia Forum on University Relations. State of the arts and future strategies. Rome-Naples, January 16-18, 1997. Venezia: Università di Cà Foscari.
Dall’indonesiano all’italiano
2019 Non è mica la Vergine Maria from Feby Indirani's Bukan Perawan Maria. Torino: ADD Editore.
2015 Soriente Antonia and Alfonso Cesarano. Ritorno a casa from Leila Chudori’s Pulang. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2015 Soriente Antonia and Ilaria Gallo. La danza della terra from Oka Rusmini’s Tarian Bumi. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2010 Soriente Antonia and Bendetta Martalò Le donne di Saman from Ayu Utami’s Saman. Milano: Metropoli d’Asia.
1999 With Silvia Vignato “Shakuntala” from Ayu Utami: (from Saman), in Lo stato delle cose. Pensiero Critico e scritture. Salerno/Milano: Oedipus Editore.
1999 With Teobaldo Fortunato ”Due poesie” di Goenawan Mohamad (from Misalkan Kita di Sarajeo.) in Lo stato delle cose. Pensiero Critico e scritture. Salerno/Milano: Oedipus Editore.
Dall’italiano all’indonesiano
2020 Antonia Soriente & Nirwan Dewanto. Komedi ilahi. Traduzione di brani dell’Inferno di Dante Alighieri tratti da Dalla selva oscura al Paradiso. Un percorso nella Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri in trentatré lingue. Jakarta: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Jakarta.
2019 Antonia Soriente & Prasetyohadi. Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Traduzione riveduta e corretta e introduzione di Morte accidentale di un anarchico di Dario Fo.Yogyakarta: Kalabuku.
2016 Evi Nurcahyani, Giuseppina Monaco, Roberta Zollo e Antonia Soriente. Tanah para Pendekar. Traduzione di Tra i tagliatori di teste. Viaggio a Nias Selatan di Modigliani di Vanni Puccioni. Jakarta: Gramedia.
1998 Con Prasetyohadi. “Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Drama dua babak Dario Fo” Traduzione di of Morte accidentale di un anarchico di Dario Fo. Kalam 12. Jakarta.
Tesi di laurea magistrale e di dottorato di ricerca
2004 “A classification of the Kenyah languages in East Kalimantan and Sarawak.” Unpublished PhD dissertation at University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1995 Kajian dialektologi di Kecamatan Long Pujungan - Kalimantan Timur. Pemetaan dan Distribusi Bahasa. Unpublished Master thesis at Universitas Indonesia. 2 vol.
Altri contributi in stampa
2017 “Meglio essere brutti che perseguitati”. Il Manifesto 07/09/2017.
2015 “Ritorno a Giacarta”. Il Manifesto 13/10/2015.
Premi e riconoscimenti
2019 Satya Abdi Budaya (riconoscimento per l’impegno dimostrato nell’insegnamento dell’indonesiano conferito da APBIPA (Associazione dei docenti di indonesiano come lingua straniere e supportato da ll’Organo per lo Sviluppo della lingua indonesiana del Ministero della Pubblica istruzione della Repubblica di Indonesia
2020 Anugerah Tokoh Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan 2020 Premio per la lingua e letteratura indonesiana 2020 conferito dal Ministero della Pubblica istruzione indonesiano per l'impegno e dedizione per l’attività di insegnamento, di studio e di ricerca e per la promozione degli studi di lingua e letteratura indonesiana in maniera autonoma e senza il contributo del governo indonesiano.
Borse di studi e contributi
2007 Travel grant from V EUROSEAS in Naples for participation in the conference.
2007 Travel grant from ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism) in Hamburg for participation in the Conference.
2005 Grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for the language documentation activity of Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages in East Kalimantan Indonesia.
2005 Travel grant from X IASCL in Berlin for participation in the Conference.
2004 Grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for linguistic fieldwork in East Kalimantan.
2004 Travel grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for participation in the Summer School on Language documentation-University of Frankfurt
1998 Scholarship for specialization on teaching foreign languages from University of Perugia -Italy.
1996 Scholarship for Ph.D. program at University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1994 Grant from UNESCO for linguistic fieldwork in East Kalimantan.
1993 Master thesis Field study grant from WWF Indonesia.
1991-1994 Scholarship from the Italian Department of University and Scientific Research (MIUR) to undertake postgraduate specialization in Indonesia.
Comitato scientifico/editoriale
2022 International Advisory Board of Indonesia and the Malay World. Taylor & Francis online. London.
2019 Comitato scientifico di ItaliAsean. Roma
2018-2021 Editorial Board of Jurnal Bahasa Dewan Bahasa Dan Pusaka Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.
2017 Direttivo di ISMEO (Associazione internazionale di studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente) Roma.
2016 Comitato editoriale di RISE (Relazioni internazionali e International political economy del Sud-Est asiatico), a TWAI (Torino World affairs Institute).
2015 Board of ICAL International Conference on Austronesian linguistics.
2013 Editorial board of NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia. PKBB (Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya ‘Centre for Culture and Language Studies’) of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia, and ILCAA (Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa) at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Tokyo, Japan.
2013 Comitato scientifico di Asiasphere. Atmopshere Libri. Roma.
Associazione a Organizzazioni scientifiche
Componente di Italian Association of South East Asian Studies (ITASEAS)
Componente di European Association of South East Asian Studies (EUROSEAS)
Componente della Società italiana di Glottologia (SIG)
Componente del direttivo dell’Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente (IsMEO) Roma
Componente di ItaliAsean Roma
Componente dell’ International Association for the study of Indonesian Oral Traditions ATL (Asosiasi tradisi Lisan) Jakarta
Componente del Borneo Research Council (BRC)
Componente di Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI)
Referente Scientifica per le Relazioni Internazionali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ con Istituzioni Indonesiane
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Universitas Nasional Jakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya, Jakarta
Universitas Indonesia, Depok
KTL (Consortium of Indonesian Universities for the study of oral traditions) Indonesian Ministry of Education and culture -Jakarta
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda
Universitas Negeri Manado
Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Universitas Borneo Tarakan
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta
Napoli, 25/11/2022
Antonia Soriente
Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo
Studio 5.22 Palazzo Corigliano
Piazza San Domenico Maggiore 12
Napoli 80134
tel. 081 6909781
Contatti email
Posizione attuale Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua e letteratura indonesiana presso l’Università degli studi di Napoli “l’Orientale” (ASIA 01/F ex LOR/21)
2003 Dottorato di ricerca in linguistica conseguito presso la Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia con tesi di dottorato in lingua inglese sulla linguistica storica delle lingue Austronesiane dal titolo: “A classification of the Kenyah variants in Sarawak and Kalimantan”, relatore Prof. Dr. James T. Collins.
Lingue conosciute Italiano, inglese, indonesiano, malese, francese, lingue kenyah e punan.
Titoli e Posizioni accademiche
2022 Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua e letteratura indonesiana (LOR/21 Lingue e letterature della Cina e del Sud-est Asiatico). Università di Napoli L’Orientale.
2020-presente Componente del Progetto PRIN: Metalinguistic texts as a privileged data source for the knowledge of ancient languages.
2020-presente Componente del Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo: La trasmissione dei saperi fra oralità e scrittura: una ricerca comparata in contesto afro-mediterraneo.
2018-presente Componente del Progetto di Ricerca interdisciplinare “Maritime Cultural Resources of Indonesia. Contemporary boatbuilding in Tana Beru, Bira and Batu Licin” con Chiara Zazzaro. Università degli studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ e Universitas Indonesia.
2018 Conseguimento dell’Abilitazione scientifica nazionale per professore di I fascia settore concorsuale 10/N3.
2013- presente Componente del Dottorato Asia Africa e Mediterraneo all’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2017-2020 Componente del progetto di ricerca CRISEA (Competing Regional Integrationin South-East Asia) dell'European Commission - Horizon 2020 in collaborazione con EFEO.
2017-2020 Componente del Progetto di ricerca internazionale A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages coordinato da Atsuko Utsumi - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2015-2022 Professoressa associata di Lingua e Letteratura Indonesiana per il settore disciplinare LOR/21 Lingue e Letterature della Cina e dell’Asia Sud-orientale Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2009-2014 Ricercatrice universitaria confermata di Lingua e Letteratura Indonesiana per il settore disciplinare LOR/21 Lingue e Letterature della Cina e dell’Asia Sud-orientale Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2010-2015 Visiting scholar for the Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Jakarta Field Station) per il progetto sull'acquisizione del bilinguismo italo-indonesiano e per il progetto sulla documentazione e descrizione delle lingue Kenyah e Punan del Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Dal 2013 Research Fellow at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies per lo studio e la documentazione delle lingue indonesiane del Borneo.
2009-2013 Componente del progetto di ricerca internazionale coordinato da Asako Shiohara del Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Descriptive Studies on Indonesian Languages: Their Diversity and Similarity.
2007-2011 Componente del Progetto internazionale di analisi testuale sulle emozioni e stati d’animo diretto dal Prof. Santangelo, sullo studio di testi letterari indonesiani contemporanei.
2004-2005 Coordinatrice ed esecutrice del progetto di ricerca finanziato da UNESCO Jakarta “Documenting Oma’ Lung and Uma’ Kulit, two Kenyah languages of Borneo”.
2000-2009 Ricercatrice linguistica per il dipartimento di Linguistica del Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Jakarta Field Station) per il progetto sull'acquisizione del linguaggio infantile indonesiano. Direttrice degli esperimenti. Coordinatrice e Ricercatrice per il progetto sul bilinguismo, per il progetto sul linguaggio figurativo e per il progetto sulla documentazione delle lingue Kenyah e Punan.
2005-2009 Professoressa a contratto di 75 ore per l'insegnamento della materia Lingua e Letteratura indonesiana presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’ Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
2000-2002 Docente di Linguistica Generale per il programma di Master in Linguistica Applicata presso la Universitas Atmajaya, Jakarta.
1999-2000 Docente di Lingua e Cultura Italiana presso la Universitas Negeri Jakarta- Indonesia (Contributi MAE)
1995-1999 Docente di Lingua e Cultura Italiana presso la Universitas Indonesia- Jakarta Indonesia (Contributi MAE)
1993-1995 Componente del Progetto di ricerca Culture and Conservation in Kayan Mentarang – Kalimantan diretto da Bernard Sellato e finanziato da UNESCO e WWF Indonesia (1993-1995).
1991-1994 Borsa di studio del Ministero dell’Università e ricerca scientifica per la specializzazione post-universitaria presso istituzioni estere di livello universitario utilizzata presso l’Universitas Indonesia per il conseguimento del Master in Linguistica (1991- 1994).
Altre esperienze
2019 Lavori di ricerca linguistica e etnografica sul campo per il Progetto “Maritime Cultural Resource of Indonesia. Contemporary boatbuilding in Tana Beru, Bira and Batu Licin” Università degli studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ e Universitas Indonesia.
2015 Interprete ufficiale per la visita di Stato del Presidente della Repubblica italiana Mattarella in Indonesia.
2004-2015 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur e Kalimantan Utara (comunità Kenyah, Kayanic, Punan e Penan).
1993-1996 Componente del Progetto interdisciplinare di ricerca ‘Culture and Conservation in Kayan Mentarang – Kalimantan’ diretto da Bernard Sellato and finanziato da UNESCO e WWF Indonesia (1993-1995).
1993 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur (5 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1995 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Kalimantan Timur (2 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1997 Lavori di ricerca linguistica sul campo a Sarawak (2 mesi) (comunità Kenyah)
1991-2010 Interprete e traduttrice da e in Indonesiano Italiano
Deleghe, Commissioni e Incarichi
2023-2025 Componente della Commisssione ASN per 10/N3
2020- 2022 Incaricata dall’ANVUR a far parte del gruppo GEV per la Valutazione della Ricerca Universitaria VQR 2015-2019 per l’area 10N.
Dal 2019 Delegata del Rettore per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo e Rappresentante per l’Università di Napoli L’Orientale alla Rete CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo)
Dal 2019 Responsabile Erasmus per gli accordi con la Olomouc University (Repubblica ceca) e con la Middlesex University London
2019-2023 Responsabile di assegno di ricerca in lingua vietnamita
2015-2019 Responsabile di assegno di ricerca in indonesianistica
Dal 2018 Tutor per studenti della laurea triennale del CDS in Lingue e culture
Dal 2016 Componente della commissione ERASMUS e Relazioni internazionali per il Dipartimento DAAM
Dal 2014 Componente del Collegio di Dottorato Asia Africa e Mediterraneo
Dal 2010 Responsabile delle convenzioni con le Università indonesiane (Universitas Indonesia, Gajah Mada, Atma Jaya, Udayana, Sumatera Utara, Manado, Negeri Yogyakarta, Borneo, Nasional, KTL, UIN Surakarta, BRI, UNDIP.
2012-2017 Delegata del Dipartimento DAAM nel comitato tecnico scientifico del CILA
Presentazioni/ Relazioni a convegni
Su invito
2022 Seminar Internasional Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah II (Sinar Bahtera II) 23-25 August 2022. “Dokumentasi bahasa (dan revitalisasi?) Pengalaman dari Kalimantan dan Sulawesi”.
2022 Language Documentation 8 Università della Tuscia 11-15/7 2022 “Language documentation and interdisciplinarity. Some case studies from Borneo and Sulawesi in Indonesia”.
2022 Public lecture at Universitas Hasanuddin: “Language Documentation and Oral Traditions Experiences from case studies in Kalimantan and Sulawesi.”
2022 Public lecture ATL con Chiara Zazzaro at National Library in Jakarta: “Indonesian boatbuilding traditions: Experiences, methodologies and description of an international joint multidisciplinary project”.
2021 Webinar UGM: “Membaca Sastra Indonesia di Italia: sebuah refleksi dan perbandingan dengan sastra Italia di Indonesia”.
2021 Online conference and Webinar Indigenous History and Kowledge in the globalizing world. University Pendidikan Ganesha Bali. 26-27/08/2021 “Oral Traditions and local languages in the globalized world. Experiences from case studies in Kalimantan and Sulawesi”.
2021 Webinar KIMLI (Konferensi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Hasanuddin) 18-20-2021. “Documentary linguistics and interdisciplinarity. Experiences in Kalimantan and Sulawesi”.
2021 Webinar all’Istituto italiano di Cultura di Jakarta, Literature that Binds. 21/04/21 “Teaching Indonesian language and literature in Napoli: cultural diplomacy”.
2020 Webinar Seminar Antropolinguistik Universitas Sumatera Utara.10/12/2020. “Experiences from linguistic fieldwork in Indonesia. An anthropological linguistics approach”.
2020 Webinar for International program at Universtas Udayana, Bali. 27/11/2020. “Field Work and Interdisciplinary Approach: The Perspective and Experiences of a Linguist”.
2020 Webinar SEMILOKA IV Pengajaran BIPA. APPBIPA Eropa - Jerman. “Pembelajaran BIPA di Italia”.
2020 Webinar International Relations : Indonesia, Italy and East Asia, Universitas Negeri Manado. “International relations between University of Naples “L’Orientale” and Indonesian Institutions”.
2020 Webinar Seri Tradisi Lisan: Sejarah ATL dan Kajian Tradisi Lisan Nusantara. “Tradisi lisan dan Bahasa. Pengalaman seorang linguis”.
2020 Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia 16 – 18 February 2020. “Language Documentation in Indonesia: Directions, Approaches and Few Case Studies”.
2019 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. III Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University Of Foreign Studies. " Indonesian In North Kalimantan: A Melting Pot Of National, Regional And Local Features".
2019 Universitas Indonesia, Depok Public Lecture At Fakultas Ilmu Budaya “Indonesian-Italian Relations From A Literary Perspective”.
2019 IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Surakarta Public Lecture “Bahasa Indonesia dalam Diplomasi Pertukaran Budaya antar Bangsa”.
2019 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Konferensi Internasional Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Penutur Asing (KIPBIPA) XI. “Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Di Italia: Kendala Dan Tantangan di Era 4.0”.
2019 Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta-PKBB. “Italy and Indonesia. How much do they know each other? A Literary perspective”.
2019 Language documentation 7 Università di Bolzano 11-13/2 2019 “Documenting variation in Punan Kalimantan – Indonesia. Experiences and reflections”.
2018 1st International Conference on Local Wisdom Incolwis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. “A multi-disciplinary approach in the study of languages, cultures and local wisdom. Experience from the Kenyah and Punan of Kalimantan Utara”.
2018 1st International Conference on natural resources and sustainable development. Universitas Sumatera Utara - Medan. “Sustainability at stake in Borneo. The contribution of the the study on Kenyah and Punan languages and cultures.”
2018 Workshop CRISEA at Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi. “Generations of workers” Impact of 'development' in two Punan villages in Kalimantan-Indonesia.
2018 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. II Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. "Towards a characterization of the language spoken in Kalimantan Utara: Middle Indonesian, Common Indonesian or Regional Indonesian? Notes on morphosyntax".
2017 A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. I Workshop at TUFS Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. "The Indonesian language of interethnic communication in the Province of Kaltara, Kalimantan".
2017 International conference on Local Wisdom Universitas Sumatra Utara. "From Orality to Literacy. Empowering the Punan Tuvu’ community of North Kalimantan with a book on language and literature"
2017 International simposium on teaching Indonesian as a foreign language. Yogyakarta. Pengajaran bahasa Indonesia di Italia: Anak tiri di antara bahasa Asia. Tantangan, kendala dan harapan ke depan.
2017 International conference on Indonesia-Malaysia Relations (PAHMI 11) Universitas Indonesia. Borderland people of Borneo. Oral Literatures and the case study of the Punan Tuvu’ of North Kalimantan. Reflections on history, language identity and cultural contact in Borneo.
2016 International Seminar and workshop. Documenting Minority Languages: Theory and Practice. Universitas Kristen Arta Wacana, Kupang. “Language documentation and empowerment of local communities. Experiences in Borneo”.
2016 Kongres Bahasa Daerah Nusantara, Bandung. “Bahasa Kenyah dan Punan di Kalimantan Dewasa Ini: Tantangan dan Upaya Penyelamatan Peran dokumentasi bahasa dalam upaya pelestarian bahasa daerah di Kalimantan Utara.”
2016 Seminar nasional tradisi lisan Universitas Dwijendra, Denpasar “Kearifan lokal dan nilai budaya dalam sastra lisan Kenyah dan Punan di Kalimantan. Perspektif linguistik”.
2016 Konferensi internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia, KIMLI- Universitas Udayana Bali. “Language documentation and Oral Literature in the Punan Tuvu’ community of North Kalimantan. Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong. Reflections on history, language identity and cultural contact in Borneo.
2015 Seminar Internasional Bahasa Dan Sastra Austronesia Dan Non-Austronesia VII – Universitas Udayana Denpasar, ”Language Classification in Borneo: the Position of Merap”.
2015 Diversity linguistics: Retrospect and Prospect. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Antrhopology, Leipzig. “A new look at the Kayanic branch: data from Merap”.
2013 International Asia Folklor Congress. Yogyakarta. Tradisi lisan Punan. Rekonstruksi Simbol identitas di Borneo. (Punan Oral tradition. Reconstruction of symbols of identity in Borneo).
2011 Songs of Memory Safeguarding Cultural Heritage at the Turn of the 21st Century Ateneo de Manila. “Documentation of oral traditions in the Kenyah and Punan communities of Borneo”
Presentazione relazione a conferenze
2022 12 EUROSEAS (European South-East Asian Studies) Conference Paris 28 June-1 July 2022. “Humour as Politics in Contemporary Indonesia. Three female artists and their witty stories” in the panel Humour as Politics: Parody, Irony, and Satire in Southeast Asia.
2022 VII Congresso CUCS Napoli 2022 La Cooperazione universitaria nelle nuove sfide per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Napoli 21-23 aprile 2022. A. Soriente & C. Zazzaro. “The impact of SARS-COV2 on an Indonesian-Italian cooperative research project, Università di Napoli L’Orientale” in the panel The Impact of Sars-Cov 21 Limitations on Cooperation. New trajectories and methodologies in the field of humanities: sociology, anthropology and linguistics
2019 3rd International Conference on Nautical and Maritime Culture (CNM) 14-15 November 2019 Naples (Italy). Antonia Soriente, Chiara Zazzaro, Giuseppe Ferraioli and Ginandjar Purnawibawa. “Contemporary boatbuliding traditions in South Sulawesi”.
2019 Le Lingue Islamiche. Roma TRE University, Rome 2-3 July 2019. “Indonesian, an Islamic, Islamized or Arabized language?”
2019 4th ITASEAS (Italian South-East Asian studies Conference 2019. Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘LOrientale’ 22-24 May 2019. “Roles, morality and criticism of women in Indonesian literature. Some case studies”.
2019 4th ITASEAS (Italian South-East Asian studies Conference 2019. Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘LOrientale’ 22-24 May 2019. “Roundtable: Beyond exoticism. How to narrate South-East Asia to the Italian public”.
2019 AITLA XIX (The nineteen Conference of the Italian Association for Applied Linguistics, University of Cagliari. “National language versus Local languages Indonesia: globalization and localism in tension in North Kalimantan”.
2018 The Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12), Universiti Sains Malaysia USM, Penang. “What can languages tell us about the Punan ethnolinguistic groups? A look into language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan”.
2018 14 Borneo Research Council Conference, (BRC 14) UNIMAS Kuching. “A look into language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan. Punan Tuvu’, Punan Semeriot and Punan Dulau”.
2018 14 International Conference on Austronesian languages (ICAL 14), University of Antananarivo. “Language variation among the Punan of North Kalimantan. A language documentation project”.
2018 I sistemi di scrittura. Diversità Minacciata? Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ Napoli. “I sistemi di scrittura in Indonesia. Il caso del Batak” con Giuseppina Monaco.
2018 Living traditions of Indonesia. Latest research. Università ‘L’Orientale’ Napoli. “The multidisciplinary approach to the study of oral traditions”.
2017 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics (ISMIL 21), Langkawi, “The lexicon of peace in Indonesian”.
2017 Les Mots de la paix. Founding texts: Spirituality vs political Ethics. Workshop at IFAO Cairo. "The lexicon of Peace in the Malay Annals".
2017 International Seminar and workshop. Documenting languages of Nusa Tenggara Timur. Universitas Kristen Arta Wacana, Kupang. “What data do we collect (and how) for a language documentation project?”.
2016 Reconciling Indonesian History with 1965: Facts, Rumours and Stigma. Goethe University, Frankfurt. “Indonesian literature about 1965. Fear, trauma and stigma”.
2016 3rd Italian Conference on South East Asian Studies ITASEAS, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale”. “The adventures of Unjung and Mbui Kuvong. How language documentation can help to understand oral literature, language and cultural contact in Borneo”.
2016 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 20, Melbourne, “Plurality and Pluractionality in Indonesian”.
2015 Conference on Hunter Gatherers societies CHAGS XI, University of Vienna. Antonia Soriente and Ilaria Micheli “Oral Tradition as a field of research in HG History, Language and Identity. Case studies from Africa and Indonesia”.
2015 13 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Academia Sinica. Taipei. 13 ICAL “Mbraa. A Modang-Bahau language? A preliminary description and classification of an endangered language”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Negeri Manado. “Foundations of language documentation and experience in Borneo”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Cendana Kupang. “Language documentation and language endangerment”.
2015 Workshop on language documentation at Balai Bahasa and Universitas Udayana – Bali “Oral traditions and Language documentation.”.
2014 New research on Indonesian traditional and contemporary arts (music, dance, theatre, visual arts): an exchange between Indonesian and Italian perspectives. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. “The fate of Oral traditions in Indonesia. A view from Borneo”.
2014 Borneo Research Council Conference University Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu “Quotative verbs and the behaviour of the multifunctional prefix ke- in Northern Borneo”.
2014 Seventh Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL7) SOAS London ”Verbs of “say’ and grammaticalisation in North Borneo: evidence from Punan Tubu’ and Kenyah”.
2014 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 18, Procida, “Acquisition of Reduplication in Indonesian: the case Study of an Indonesian-Italian Bilingual child”.
2014 Les Mots de la paix. II Atelier international. Università di Napoli ‘l’Orientale’. “The concept of unity in diversity in the Malay-Indonesian world. A lexicographic analysis of words for peace, harmony and agreement.”
2014 Workshop on language documentation at Universiti Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu. “What is language documentation?”
2014 II Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Udayana Bali.
“Foundations of language documentation. Experience from Borneo”.
2014 International Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Mulawarman Kalimantan. “Language documentation in Kalimantan”.
“Oral literature as a bi-product of language documentation.”
2013 Les Mots de la paix. Atelier international. College de France. “Les mots de la paix dans le text malais-indonesiennes.”
2013 Workshop on language documentation at Universitas Udayana Bali. “Field work and language documentation. Experiences in Borneo.”
2013 Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies “Informations structure devices in Punan Tubu’”
2013 Languaging Diversity. Università di Napoli L’Orientale. “Minority languages in Indonesia: the case of the Kenayh and Punan languages of Borneo.”
2013 Challenges to (endangered) minority languages of South-East Asia. Panel held at EUROSEAS in Lisbon. Use and trends of minority languages in Borneo: Some case studies.
2013 International Workshop on 'Special Genres' in and around Indonesia ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”
2012 International Workshop on Clause Combining in/ around Indonesian Languages ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Subordination, coordination, juxtaposition and lexical borrowing in clause combining in Punan and Kenyah languages of Borneo”
2012 SEALS South East Asia linguistics conference. Agay France. Spatial relations in Borneo.
2012 ICAL Inernational conference on Austronesian linguistics. Ma’ Pnaan, a language from East Kalimantan.
2012 International Workshop Current Trends of Linguistic Research of Indigenous Languages in Indonesia, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Kalimantan languages: An overview of current research and documentation”
2011 Workshop on Deixis and Spatial Expressions in Indonesian Languages Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Deixis in Kenyah and Punan languages of Borneo”.
2011 ITASEAS Seconda conferenza italiana di studi sul Sud Est Asiatico Spazi e anfratti linguistici e letterari – “Expression of Emotions and States of Mind in Literary Indonesian”
2011 Reconstruction of the representation of Emotions, States of Mind and Imagery in imperial China. Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni. “Manifestations of positive expectations and interactions in an Indonesian novel”
2011 Workshop on TAME in Indonesian languages Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Variation in aspect and modality in Borneo”.
2011 Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “TAME systems in Borneo”.
2010 XXXV Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Glottologia: Etimologia in area austronesiana.
2010 Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies “Voice and focus system in Kenyah and Punan languages of East Kalimantan”.
2010 SEALS XX South-East Asia Linguistic Society. University of Zurich. “Punan and Penan. Are they related?”.
2010 Reconstruction of the representation of Emotions, States of Mind and Imagery in imperial China. Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni. “Analysis of particles and interjections as conveyors of emotions and states of mind in an Indonesian novel.”
2009 International Conference on Southeast Asian languages Paris Diderot “Patterns of focus and voice in some languages of Central Borneo”
2009 AcquisiLyon 09 Lyon, “The acquisition of verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”
2009 19 International historical Linguistics Conference, (ICHL) Nijmegen. “Reconstructing kinship terminologies in the languages of the hunter-gatherers of Borneo” in the Panel Kinship terminologies: change and reconstruction.
2009 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Aussois, France, “Morphosyntax of Punan and Kenyah languages in Borneo”
2009 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian linguistics 13, Lombok, “Mind and emotion as a body in literary Indonesian. A preliminary report”. (with Poppy Siahan).
2009 Languages of South-east Asia University of California, Los Angeles “The languages of hunter-gatherers in Borneo: a comparison of Punan Tubu’ and Penan Benalui”.
2008 Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood, Hong Kong “The acquisition of Italian verbal morphology in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2008 Borneo Research Council-BRC—Kota Kinabalu Sabah “Notes on the morphology of Oma Longh, the most divergent of the Kenyah variants”.
2008 The International Workshop on Minority Languages in the Malay/Indonesian Speaking World Leiden, “Malay and Indonesian borrowings in Kenyah Oma Longh and Lebu’ Kulit”
2008 Emotions behind Smile and Laugh: from facial expression to literary descriptions Bologna "Smile and laugh: manifestations of emotions and dispositions in the novels of contemporary female Indonesian writers"
2007 Third Conference on Austronesian Languages and Linguistics (ALL3) SOAS London ”The language of the Penan Benalui”.
2007 V EUROSEAS – Naples “Expressions of homosexual love and emotions in contemporary Indonesian literature”.
2007 XI International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL XI-Manokwari “The acquisition of temporal markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2007 ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism)- Hamburg. “Pragmatic versus grammatical coding of time: The acquisition of TAM markers in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2006 South East Asian Linguistic Society- SEALS-Jakarta. “Is Penan Benalui a Kenyah language? On the classification of the language of a hunter-gatherers group in Kalimantan”
2006 Borneo Research Council-BRC--Kuching-Sarawak- “Documenting Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit”
2006 Leipzig Spring School on Language Diversity-Students Conference-LESCOL-Leipzig. “Language documentation in two Kenyah communities”
2006 X International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics -ISMIL-University of Delaware. “The acquisition of questions in a bilingual Italian-Indonesian child”
2006 10 International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics ICAL. “Reference to Space and time in two Kenyah Languages”.
2005 Konferensi Linguistik Nasional XI-Padang Indonesia: “Uma’ Kulit: A Kenyah or Kayan language? Linguistic classifications and local epistemology.
2005 Association for linguistic typology ALT VI- Padang Indonesia: “ Deictics in Oma Lung a Kenyah langauge of kalimantan”
2005 International Association for the study of Child Language- Berlin: “Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2005 Languages and Literatures of Western Borneo 144 Years of Research ATMA-IKON. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia “Linguistic classifications and local epistemology in Borneo. The case of Kenyah languages of Borneo”.
2005 International Seminar on Bilingualism ISB5 Barcelona: “Cross-linguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2005 Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition Mitteleuropa Foundation –Bolzano “Cross-linguistic and cognitive factors in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2005 Workshop on Indonesian Linguistics-Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig–Department of Linguistics: “Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Language Development of an Indonesian-Italian Bilingual Child
2004 South East Asia Linguistic Society SEALS 7 Bangkok: “A classification of Kenyah languages”.
2004 Child Language Seminar. University of West England Bristol: “Language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2004 International Seminar on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 8 Penang: “Analysis of mixed forms in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
2004 39th Linguistics Colloquium: Variation in language theory and language acquisition- Amsterdam: “Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”.
2004 Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atmajaya Jakarta KOLITA 2: “Pemerolehan negasi pada seorang anak dwibahasa”.
2003 International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Languages ISMIL 7 Nijmegen: “Patterns of negation in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child”.
1997 Europe-Asia Forum on University Relations Università La Sapienza e il CIRPS (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sui paesi in via di Sviluppo): “Studying in Indonesia”.
1996 Borneo Research Council Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam: “The Kenyah languages along the Kayan River”.
1995 Borneo Research Council – Pontianak: “The linguistic situation in the Pujungan District”.
1994 International Conference on Austronesian languages ICAL 7 – Leiden: “The Kenyah Isolects of Long Pujungan District in northeast Kalimantan”.
Organizzazione di Conferenze
2022 Organizzazione con Le Thuy Hien della sessione tematica Humour as Politics: Parody, Irony, and Satire in Southeast Asiadella Conferenza Euroseas (European South-East Asian studies conference) a Parigi 28 giugno-1 luglio 20221.
2022 Organizzazione del VII Convegno CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) in collaborazione tra Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” e l’Università di Napoli Federico II: Napoli 21-23 aprile 2022.
2022 Organizzazione di Laboratori di Lingua e cultura filippina all’Unvierstià di Napoli “L’Orientale.
2021 Organizzazione con Aurora Donzelli della sessione tematica Place Branding in Southeast Asia: a Contested Landscape alla XI edizione della Conferenza Euroseas (European South-East Asian studies conference) a Olomouc (Repubblica Ceca) 7-10 settembre 2021.
2021 Organizzazione del seminario di Lingua e linguistica indonesiana (Lessicografia computazionale e Corpus linguistico) tenuto da David Moeljadi della Palacky University - Olomouc Repubblica Ceca (Scambio Erasmus) 8-16 maggio 2021.
2019-2022 Organizzazione di Laboratori di Lingua e cultura vietnamita all’Unvierstià di Napoli “L’Orientale.
2019 Organizzazione della 4th ITASEAS Conference (Italian Association of South-East Asian Studies Conference) University of Naples 'L'Orientale', Procida, Napoli. 22-24 maggio 2019.
2019 Organizzazione del seminario tenuto da Erminia Colucci della Middlesex University London (Scambio Erasmus) Antropologia visuale applicata in Asia: Indonesia, Filippine, India e Giappone. Seminario, proiezioni, laboratorio. 8-14 marzo 2019.
2018 Organizzazione del Workshop internazionale. Living traditions of Indonesia. University of Naples 'L'Orientale'. 25-26 giugno 2018.
2018 Organizzazione del Seminario Internazionale Writing systems. Endangered diversity? University of Naples 'L'Orientale'. 28-05-2018.
2016 Organizzazione della 3rd ITASEAS Conference (Italian Association of South-East Asian Studies Conference) University of Naples 'L'Orientale', Procida, Napoli. 20- 22 giugno 2016.
2014 Organizzazione della conferenza ISMIL 18 (The Eighteenth International Symposium On Malay/Indonesian Linguistics) University of Naples 'L'Orientale'Procida, Napoli. 13-16 giugno 2014.
2013 Organizzazione della Sessione tematica "Challenges to (Endangered) Minority Languages in Southeast Asia" a Conferenza EUROSEAS (European South East Asian Studies) Lisbon. 02- 05 luglio 2013.
2011 Coordinamento e organizzazione della seconda conferenza Italian Sout East Asian Studies (ITASEAS)’ con Silvia Vignato e Pietro Masina all’University of Studies of Milan Bicocca. 8-29 aprile 2011.
2019 Sitti Faizah Soenoto Rivai e Antonia Soriente. Corso della lingua indonesiana. Milano: Hoepli.
2006 Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University Press.
Contributi in volume
In stampa “Language documentation in Indonesia. Directions, approaches and few case studies in Kalimantan and beyond.” In Abtahian, Maya R., and Abigail C. Cohn, Thomas J. Conners, J. Joseph Errington, and Yanti eds to appear. Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field. Ithaca, NY: SEAP Publications, Cornell University Press.
2022 Language contact in Borneo. The influence of Indonesian on Kenyah and Punan of Kalimantan”. In Pierre Le Roux, Alexander Adelaar, Bernard Moizo (eds): Bornéo à cœur. Hommage à Bernard Sellato, argonaute de la forêt tropicale. Auxonne: Le Murmure Editeurs.
2021 Soriente Antonia e Guido Creta “Gli Italiani e la Malesia: racconti di viaggiatori reali o immaginari” in Romeo Orlandi (ed.) Italia e Malesia. Politica, economia, cultura. AREL il Mulino. Bologna: 111-132. (edizione italiana).
2021 Sonya Puspasari Suganda and Antonia Soriente “Introduction”. In Sociolinguistic and Dialectological Studies in Indonesia. New York: Nova Publishers: XI-XXVIII.
2020 “Hunter Gatherers of Borneo and their languages” in Güldemann, Tom, Patrick McConvell and Richard Rhodes (eds.). The language of hunter-gatherers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 262-308.
2019 with Prasetyohadi “Dario Fo: Kegilaan dan Perlawanan”. Saggio critico introduttivo alla traduzione del volume di Dario Fo Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Yogyakarta: Kalabuku: 1-9.
2019 “I prestiti persiani in indonesiano. Bausani cinquant’anni dopo”. In Badalkhan Sabir, Gianpietro Basello and Matteo De Chiara (eds). Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi. Series Minor LXXXVII. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’.
2019 “Castigat ridendo mores. La denuncia parodica di Feby Indirani”. Saggio critico alla traduzione del volume di Feby Indirani Non è mica la Vergine Maria. Torino: ADD: 177-184.
2017 “Literary exchanges between Italy and Indonesia” in Romeo Orlandi (ed). Italy and Indonesia. Islands, peninsulas and archipelagos. Bologna, Arel Il Mulino: 81:112. (English edition). “Lo scambio di letteratura tra Italia e Indonesia" in Romeo Orlandi (ed.) Italia e Indonesia: isole, penisole, arcipelaghi. Bologna: Arel Il Mulino:85-116. (edizione italiana).
2015 Césard Nicolas, Soriente Antonia. “Yang lalu yang tak lekang: Dongeng dan mitos suku Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan.” Saggio critico introduttivo al volume di Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 21-45, Jakarta:École française d'Extrême-Orient & Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.
2015 “Catatan Tata Bahasa Punan Tuvu'.” (Note grammaticali della lingua Punan Tuvu’). In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente, (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 47-62, Jakarta:EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “Cerita Rakyat Punan Tuvu'.” (Racconti popolari in lingua Punan Tuvu’ e traduzione in indonesiano) In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.), Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. p. 63-163, Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “Kamus Bahasa Punan Tuvu’ – Indonesia”. (Dizionario lingua Punan Tuvu’-indonesiano). In Nicolas Césard Antonio Guerreiro Antonia Soriente (eds.), Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu' dari Kalimantan. p. 187-362, Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
2015 “La voce dei dimenticati della storia. Ritorno a casa, un antidoto alla versione ufficiale dei fatti del 1965 in Indonesia”. Saggio critico introduttivo alla traduzione del romanzo di Leila Chudori Ritorno a casa. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2015 “Essere donna a Bali fuori dai canoni dell’Orientalismo” Saggio critico alla traduzione del romanzo di Oka Rusmini La danza della terra. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2014 “Notes on the morphology of Òma Lóngh.” In Sercombe PG, Boutin M, Clynes A (eds.) Advances in Linguistic and Cultural Research in Borneo (Memorial volume in honour of Peter Martin) 2014. Borneo Research Council.
2007 “Cross-linguistic and cognitive aspects in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian-Indonesian bilingual child.” In Kesckes I. & L. Albertazzi (eds.) Cognitive aspects of bilingualism. Dordrecht; Springer: 325-362.
2006 “Introduction” In Soriente Antonia. Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang. A collection of Kenyah stories in the Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages. Jakarta: Atma Jaya University Press: xiv-xliii.
2006 “Mencalèny & Usung Bayung Marang: A Kenyah Language Documenta-tion Project in East Kalimantan.” In Chong Shin, Karim Harun, Yabit Alas Reflections in Borneo Rivers. Essays in honour of Prof. J.T. Collins. Pontianak: Stain Press: 65-96.
2004 “Pemerolehan negasi dari seorang anak dwibahasa Italia-Indonesia”. In Katharina E.Sukamto (ed.) KOLITA 2 Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya. Jakarta.
2004 “Epilog seorang kawan” in Muttaqien, Z. Komedi empat musim. Cerita terbaik dari Italia. Jakarta: Gagas Media.
1999 “Situasi kebahasaan di Kecamatan Long Pujungan”. In Eghenter, C. and B. Sellato (Eds.) Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam (Penelitian interdisipliner di pedalaman Kalimantan). Jakarta: WWF Indonesia: 465-483.
Articoli in Riviste
2022 Chiara Zazzaro, Horst Liebner, Antonia Soriente, Giuseppe Ferraioli, Ahmad Ginanjar Purnawibawa. “The Construction of an Historical Boat in South Sulawesi(Indonesia): The Padewakang.” Journal of Maritime Archaeology August 2022.
2022 Suroyo, Bima Maulana Putra, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini, Antonia Soriente, Robert Sibarani, Bedriati Ibrahim. “The Influence of Hindu Tradition on Petang Megang Ritual and Its Significance to the Indigenous Muslim Community in Pekanbaru Riau.” Heritage of Nusantara International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage June 2022 DOI: 10.31291/hn.v11i1.641
2020 “Indonesian in North Kalimantan. A melting pot of national, regional and local features” NUSA 68: 85-119.
2018 “Deictics in Borneo” Ethnorema 14: 1-34.
2017 “Le parole contano. L’inesauribile potere della poesia in un paese di contraddizioni”. RISE 2,1:11-12.
2017 “L’Indonesia in Italia e l’esperienza unica dell’Orientale”. RISE 2,1:16-18.
2015 Bernard Sellato and Antonia Soriente. “The Languages and Peoples of the Müller Mountains: A Contribution to the Study of the Origins of Borneo’s Nomads and their Languages” Wacana vol. 16, 2 (2015) n. 1: 339-354.
2014 “Language development of bilingual children The acquisition of tense and aspect in an Italian-Indonesian child: A case study” in Wacana. Jounal of the Humanities of Indonesia Jakarta, 15, 1: 131-164.
2014 “Studying Linguistic and Cultural Contact in Borneo. Prospects and Challenges.” Antropologia, Milano, 1, 1: 59-81.
2013 “The study of Emotions in literary indonesian: Love, sex and transgression in the novel Saman.” Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli "L’Orientale" 73:135-159.
2013 “Variation in aspect and modality in some languages of Northeastern Borneo”. In John Bowden in Tense, aspect, mood and evidentiality in languages of Indonesia NUSA 55: 193-218.
2013 “Undergoer Voice in Borneo: Penan, Punan, Kenyah and Kayan languages” In NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia vol 54. Voice variation in Austronesian languages of Indonesia: 175-203.
2011 “Patterns of negation in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child”. In Linguistica Zero 4/2011: 158-208. Web: .
2006 “Uma’ Kulit: a Kenyah or Kayan language?” in Linguistik Indonesia 24,1:71-81.
2021 Sonya Puspasari Suganda and Antonia Soriente (eds.). Sociolinguistic and Dialectological Studies in Indonesia. New York: Nova Publishers.
2015 Césard Nicolas, Antonio Guerreiro, Antonia Soriente (eds) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong. Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. (The adventures of Unjung and Mbui Kuvong. Oral literature and a Dictionary of the Punan Tuvu’ from Kalimantan). Jakarta: EFEO – Gramedia.
1988 Rossi, A L. Santa Maria & A. Soriente (eds.) Didattica delle lingue del Medio e dell'Estremo Oriente. Metodologia ed esperienze. Atti del Convegno nazionale (Napoli-Sorrento 1985), Napoli 1988, xiV-462 pp. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale- Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici Series Minor L.
Contributi in atti di Convegni
2019 Antonia Soriente, Chiara Zazzaro, Giuseppe Ferraioli and Ginandjar Purnawibawa. “Contemporary boatbuliding tradtions in South Sulawesi”. In Proceedings for 3rd International Conference on Nautical and Maritime Culture14-15 November 2019 Naples (Italy).
2013 “Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”. In Proceedings of the International workshop on ‘Special genres’ in and around Indonesia 2013: 151-166. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2011 “Etimologia in area austronesiana”. in in Alberto Manco-Domenico Silvestri (eds.), L’etimologia, Atti XXXV Convegno S.I.G., Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” Roma, Il Calamo.
2010 Voice and focus system in Penan and Kenyah languages of East Kalimantan in Proceedings of the Workshop on Indonesian type Voice System. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign studies, 45-62.
2008 “A classification of Kenyah languages: a preliminary assessment”. in Proceedings of South East Asia Linguistic Society (SEALS) 14 – Bangkok- May 2004.
2006 “Dominance and language choice in an Indonesian-Italian bilingual child” in Vliegen, M. (ed.) Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb Akten des 39. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Amsterdam 2004.
1997 The Kenyah Isolects of Long Pujungan District in northeast Kalimantan. In Ode', Stokhof 1997) Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Austronesian languages. Leiden: Leiden University projects Division: 713-738.
1997 “Studying in Indonesia”. In Proceedings of the Europe-Asia Forum on University Relations. State of the arts and future strategies. Rome-Naples, January 16-18, 1997. Venezia: Università di Cà Foscari.
Dall’indonesiano all’italiano
2019 Non è mica la Vergine Maria from Feby Indirani's Bukan Perawan Maria. Torino: ADD Editore.
2015 Soriente Antonia and Alfonso Cesarano. Ritorno a casa from Leila Chudori’s Pulang. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2015 Soriente Antonia and Ilaria Gallo. La danza della terra from Oka Rusmini’s Tarian Bumi. Roma: Atmosphere libri.
2010 Soriente Antonia and Bendetta Martalò Le donne di Saman from Ayu Utami’s Saman. Milano: Metropoli d’Asia.
1999 With Silvia Vignato “Shakuntala” from Ayu Utami: (from Saman), in Lo stato delle cose. Pensiero Critico e scritture. Salerno/Milano: Oedipus Editore.
1999 With Teobaldo Fortunato ”Due poesie” di Goenawan Mohamad (from Misalkan Kita di Sarajeo.) in Lo stato delle cose. Pensiero Critico e scritture. Salerno/Milano: Oedipus Editore.
Dall’italiano all’indonesiano
2020 Antonia Soriente & Nirwan Dewanto. Komedi ilahi. Traduzione di brani dell’Inferno di Dante Alighieri tratti da Dalla selva oscura al Paradiso. Un percorso nella Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri in trentatré lingue. Jakarta: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Jakarta.
2019 Antonia Soriente & Prasetyohadi. Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Traduzione riveduta e corretta e introduzione di Morte accidentale di un anarchico di Dario Fo.Yogyakarta: Kalabuku.
2016 Evi Nurcahyani, Giuseppina Monaco, Roberta Zollo e Antonia Soriente. Tanah para Pendekar. Traduzione di Tra i tagliatori di teste. Viaggio a Nias Selatan di Modigliani di Vanni Puccioni. Jakarta: Gramedia.
1998 Con Prasetyohadi. “Anarkis itu mati kebetulan. Drama dua babak Dario Fo” Traduzione di of Morte accidentale di un anarchico di Dario Fo. Kalam 12. Jakarta.
Tesi di laurea magistrale e di dottorato di ricerca
2004 “A classification of the Kenyah languages in East Kalimantan and Sarawak.” Unpublished PhD dissertation at University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1995 Kajian dialektologi di Kecamatan Long Pujungan - Kalimantan Timur. Pemetaan dan Distribusi Bahasa. Unpublished Master thesis at Universitas Indonesia. 2 vol.
Altri contributi in stampa
2017 “Meglio essere brutti che perseguitati”. Il Manifesto 07/09/2017.
2015 “Ritorno a Giacarta”. Il Manifesto 13/10/2015.
Premi e riconoscimenti
2019 Satya Abdi Budaya (riconoscimento per l’impegno dimostrato nell’insegnamento dell’indonesiano conferito da APBIPA (Associazione dei docenti di indonesiano come lingua straniere e supportato da ll’Organo per lo Sviluppo della lingua indonesiana del Ministero della Pubblica istruzione della Repubblica di Indonesia
2020 Anugerah Tokoh Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan 2020 Premio per la lingua e letteratura indonesiana 2020 conferito dal Ministero della Pubblica istruzione indonesiano per l'impegno e dedizione per l’attività di insegnamento, di studio e di ricerca e per la promozione degli studi di lingua e letteratura indonesiana in maniera autonoma e senza il contributo del governo indonesiano.
Borse di studi e contributi
2007 Travel grant from V EUROSEAS in Naples for participation in the conference.
2007 Travel grant from ISB6 (The Sixth International Conference on Bilingualism) in Hamburg for participation in the Conference.
2005 Grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for the language documentation activity of Òma Lóngh and Lebu’ Kulit languages in East Kalimantan Indonesia.
2005 Travel grant from X IASCL in Berlin for participation in the Conference.
2004 Grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for linguistic fieldwork in East Kalimantan.
2004 Travel grant from UNESCO, Jakarta for participation in the Summer School on Language documentation-University of Frankfurt
1998 Scholarship for specialization on teaching foreign languages from University of Perugia -Italy.
1996 Scholarship for Ph.D. program at University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1994 Grant from UNESCO for linguistic fieldwork in East Kalimantan.
1993 Master thesis Field study grant from WWF Indonesia.
1991-1994 Scholarship from the Italian Department of University and Scientific Research (MIUR) to undertake postgraduate specialization in Indonesia.
Comitato scientifico/editoriale
2022 International Advisory Board of Indonesia and the Malay World. Taylor & Francis online. London.
2019 Comitato scientifico di ItaliAsean. Roma
2018-2021 Editorial Board of Jurnal Bahasa Dewan Bahasa Dan Pusaka Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.
2017 Direttivo di ISMEO (Associazione internazionale di studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente) Roma.
2016 Comitato editoriale di RISE (Relazioni internazionali e International political economy del Sud-Est asiatico), a TWAI (Torino World affairs Institute).
2015 Board of ICAL International Conference on Austronesian linguistics.
2013 Editorial board of NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia. PKBB (Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya ‘Centre for Culture and Language Studies’) of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia, and ILCAA (Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa) at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Tokyo, Japan.
2013 Comitato scientifico di Asiasphere. Atmopshere Libri. Roma.
Associazione a Organizzazioni scientifiche
Componente di Italian Association of South East Asian Studies (ITASEAS)
Componente di European Association of South East Asian Studies (EUROSEAS)
Componente della Società italiana di Glottologia (SIG)
Componente del direttivo dell’Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente (IsMEO) Roma
Componente di ItaliAsean Roma
Componente dell’ International Association for the study of Indonesian Oral Traditions ATL (Asosiasi tradisi Lisan) Jakarta
Componente del Borneo Research Council (BRC)
Componente di Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI)
Referente Scientifica per le Relazioni Internazionali dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ con Istituzioni Indonesiane
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Universitas Nasional Jakarta
Universitas Atma Jaya, Jakarta
Universitas Indonesia, Depok
KTL (Consortium of Indonesian Universities for the study of oral traditions) Indonesian Ministry of Education and culture -Jakarta
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda
Universitas Negeri Manado
Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Universitas Borneo Tarakan
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta
Napoli, 25/11/2022
Antonia Soriente
Pubblicazioni (51)
Premi e riconoscimenti (2)
No Results Found
Partecipazioni scientifiche (4)
Fellow (riconoscimento scientifico)
- ITASEAN Italia Asean (Italia)
(2019 - )
Fellow (riconoscimento scientifico)
- ISMEO-Associazione internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l'Oriente (Italia)
(2017 - 2024)
Fellow (riconoscimento scientifico)
- EUROSEAS European South-East Asian association (Paesi Bassi)
(2013 - 2024)
Fellow (riconoscimento scientifico)
- Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (“ILCAA”,“AA-ken”) is an affiliate of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) (Giappone)
(2013 - 2020)
No Results Found
Ricerca e didattica presso enti (3)
Membro del Progetto di Ricerca: A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages. Ricerca sulla variante di indonesiano usato nel Borneo presso: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - Ricercatore presso Ente di ricerca
(01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020)20170401
Membro del Progetto di Ricerca: Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities. Ricerca sulle lingue Kenyah e Punan del Borneo presso: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - Ricercatore presso Ente di ricerca
(01/04/2010 - 31/03/2013)20100401
Researcher for the Project Acquisition of bilingualism and for the Project Documentation of endangered languages of Kalimantan presso: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology - Ricercatore presso Ente di ricerca
(01/10/2000 - 01/12/2010)20001001
No Results Found
Congressi (3)
Program chair (presidente/responsabile del comitato scientifico) - The Fourth Italian South-East Asian studies Conference (3rd ITASEAS) 22-24 May 2019 Procida, Naples, ITALY (01/01/2019 - ) 20190101
Program chair (presidente/responsabile del comitato scientifico) - The third Italian South-East Asian studies Conference (3rd ITASEAS) 20-21 June 2016 Procida, Naples, ITALY (01/01/2016 - ) 20160101
Program chair (presidente/responsabile del comitato scientifico) - The Eighteenth International Symposium On Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL 18) -13-15 June 2014 Procida, Naples, Italy (01/01/2013 - ) 20130101
No Results Found
Public Engagement
Iniziative di democrazia partecipativa (Relatore)
- Forum Territoriale Giovani e Cooperazione Internazionale in Campania
Università di Napoli L'Orientale (15/12/2023 - 15/12/2023) 20231215
No Results Found
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (17)
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
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Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
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Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
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CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
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CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
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CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
No Results Found