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Course Catalogue:
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Soungukim_CV_20240209.pdf (CV di Soung-U Kim, Ph.D.)
Curriculum Vitae
Academic career path
from 10/2023 Ricercatore con contratto a tempo determinato di tipo “B”, D.M. 445/2022. Assistant professorship for Korean language and literature. Department of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean, Università di Napoli L’Orientale.
09/2021-31/07/2023 Research Associate: Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
09/2016–09/2021 Research Fellow: Centre of Korean Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
Five-year Laboratory Program for Korean Studies funded by the Korean Studies Promotion Service (see Grants and Awards below). Linguistic research on Koreanic languages, especially Jejuan, a Koreanic language of Jeju Province, South Korea.
09/2013–11/2018 Ph.D. Linguistics: SOAS University of London: thesis on “Finiteness in Jejuan Adverbial Clauses – a Canonical Typology Approach.”
Supervisors: Prof Irina Nikolaeva, Prof Peter Austin and Prof Jaehoon Yeon (SOAS); Examiners: Prof Peter Sells (University of York), Prof Jieun Kiaer (University of Oxford).
09/2013–03/2018 Project lead: language documentation project ‘A multi-modal documentation of Jejuan conversations’ funded by Arcadia’s Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP).
10/2012–09/2013 MA Language Documentation and Description at SOAS University of London (Field Methods pathway): dissertation on ‘Language attitudes on Jeju Island – an analysis of attitudes towards language choice from an ethnographic perspective.’
10/2008–09/2012 BA Linguistics at University of Leipzig: thesis on ‘Valency Classes in Korean’, paired with on-line database at
Supervisors: Prof Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig) and Prof John Peterson (University of Kiel).
Academic teaching
since 02/2024 Letteratura Coreana 2 B.A. course: history of Korean literature, Joseon period.
since 10/2023 Lingua Coreana 2 Intermediate Korean language course for B.A. students, grammar-focused lecture.
05/2022 Invited workshop ‘Doing fieldwork, being human: an introduction to linguistic fieldwork and language documentation practice.’ Hands-on workshop on research practice and funding application for PhD-students at the Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea, Ca’ Foscari. Part of the PhD research student seminar of Prof. Elisabetta Ragagnin.
12/2021 Video lecture contribution to international course Languages, Cultures and Interaction in Asia under Prof Shimako Iwasaki and Prof Lucien Brown, at School of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne. Lecture topic: ‘Multilingual Asia – Korea.’
08/2020–05/2021 Temporary lectureship for MA course ‚Wissenschaftliche Lektüre Koreanisch’ [Reading Academic Texts in Korean] as part of Module ‘Scientific Readings in Korean’ at the Department of Japan and Korean Studies, University of Bonn. Focus on reading Korean literature on social and linguistic minorities in South Korea.
01/2020 Invited seminars for linguistic software training: Two consecutive seminars on ELAN software use for linguistics field research as part of Field Methods course of Prof. Lutz Marten, Linguistics department at SOAS University of London.
11/2017 and 11/2016 Romanisation of Korean Hangeul Script seminars, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
02/2015–06/2015 Teaching and Marking Assistance in Department of Linguistics, SOAS University of London, MA course: Language Support and Revitalisation under Prof Julia Sallabank.
01/2015–05/ 2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant for BA course: Introduction to Grammatical Structure under Dr Aicha Belkadi, in the Department of Linguistics, SOAS University of London.
Research and publication profile
Kim, Soung-U. Under review. Les llengües coreàniques. To appear in Catalan in Junyent i Figueras, Maria Carme (ed.), Manual de les llengües del món [Handbook of the World’s Languages]. To be published as part of the project Grup de Lingüistes per la Diversitat (GLiDi) at the University of Barcelona.
Kim, Soung-U. Forthcoming. Cultivating awareness: ideologies of code choice and language documentation practice. Originally accepted for publication in special issue of Language Documentation and Conservation, now unpublished manuscript as of Aug 2023.
Kim, Soung-U and Lucien Brown. To appear in 2024. What do Korean speakers know about politeness? In Shin Kim, Mary (ed.), Exploring Korean politeness Across Online and Offline Interactions. Cham: Springer.
Brown, Lucien, Soung-U Kim & Hyunji Kim. 2022. The embodied enactment of politeness metapragmatics. Journal of Politeness Research 19(1). 149–83. [accessed 2023-03-06]
Dal Corso, Elia and Soung-U Kim (eds). 2022. Endangered Languages of East Asia: Typological Approaches to Language Obsolescence. Leiden: Brill.
Kim, Soung-U. 2022. Person-sensitivity and egophoricity in Jejuan: the -no/-ko suffixes. Jeon, Hae-Sung and Chen Xi (eds.), Japanese-Korean Linguistics 28. 259-273. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Kim, Soung-U. 2022. Jejuan corpus contribution to the DoReCo (Language Documentation Reference Corpora: Cross-linguistic phonetics and morphology using a time-aligned multilingual reference corpus built from documentations of 50 languages: Big data on small languages). Project at ZAS (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics) Berlin. [retrieved 2022-08-10]
Kim, Soung-U. 2021. Emotions and Relationships in Language Revitalisation and Maintenance. In Olko, Justyna and Julia Sallabank (eds.), 123-124. Revitalizing Endangered Languages: A Practical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kim, Soung-U. 2019. The morphosyntax of Jejuan –ko clause linkages. Language Research 55. 315–354. doi:10.30961/lr.2019.55.2.315.
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. A multi-modal documentation of Jejuan conversations. Online archive. London: SOAS, Endangered Languages Archive. URL: [accessed on 2020-09-08].
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. Documenting Diversity: Enriching Koreanic Linguistics Through Language Documentation. World Congress of Korean Studies. Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, South Korea, 12-14 Sep 2018.
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. Finiteness in Jejuan Adverbial Clauses: a Canonical Typology approach. SOAS University of London PhD thesis.
Kim, Soung-U. 2017. The End of Korean Monolingualism – Discovering a Multilingual Korea. 28th AKSE conference at Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2017.
Kim, Soung-U. 2015. Book review of Jeju Language and Tales from the Edge of the Korean Peninsula by Jieun Kiaer (Lincom). Published on LinguistList under [accessed on 2020-08-31].
Talks and poster presentations
05/05/2022 Egophoricity in Jejuan? A look at –no/-ko and –m=i- constructions. Conference
on Endangered Languages of East Asia CELEA2 at Ca’ Foscari, May 3-5 2022.
06/09/2021 Egophoric and evidential marking in Jejuan. Evidentiality 2.0: Integrating
egophoricity, focusing on equipollent contrasts, and re-examining visual
evidentials, University of Bern, 5th – 6th Sep 2021.
29/06/2021 The Embodied Enactment of Politeness Metapragmatics. 17th International Pragmatics Conference at Winterthur, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), 27th June to 2nd July 2021. With Lucien Brown as first author.
19/09/2020 Egophoric marking patterns in Jejuan. Japanese-Korean Linguistics 28 at
Lancaster University, held on-line, 7th – 20th September 2020.
11/07/2019 Talking Selves: Egophoricity and Jejuan Morphosyntax. 21st Biennial Meeting
of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. Monash University,
Melbourne, 10-12 July 2019.
11/07/2019 Emic Perspectives on Korean Politeness Metaconcepts: A Qualitative Study.
21st Biennial Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. Monash
University, Melbourne, 10-12 July 2019. With Lucien Brown as first author.
16/05/2019 Power through dialectology? Reflections on ideological motivations for
linguistic classification and description. Symposium on Ideologies, Attitudes,
and Power in Language Contact Settings. Stockholm University, 16-17 May 2019.
13/04/2019 Perceptions of code choice by Jeju islanders: a language ideological view. 29th
Academy of Korean Studies Europe conference. Sapienza University of Rome,
11–14 April 2019.
13/09/2018 Documenting Diversity: Enriching Koreanic Linguistics Through Language
Documentation. World Congress of Korean Studies. Academy of Korean
Studies, Seongnam, South Korea, 12-14 Sep 2018.
25/07/2018 Orthographic Prescriptivism and the Documentation of Koreanic. 3rd
International Conference on Documentary Linguistics – Asian Perspectives.
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 24-25 July 2018. First author Simon Barnes-
24/07/2018 Exploring ideologies of code choice for language documentation and
revitalisation. 3rd International Conference on Documentary Linguistics –
Asian Perspectives. Mahidol University, Bangkok, 24-25 July 2018.
04/07/2018 Managing ideology: language-ideological surveying for language revitalisation.
8th Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment. Cambridge University,
4 July 2018.
22/04/2017 The End of Korean Monolingualism – Discovering a Multilingual Korea. 28th
Academy of Korean Studies Europe conference at Charles University Prague,
Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2017
05/07/2016 Researching Endangered ‘Dialects’: countering ideologies of linguistic
subordination. Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group
Postgraduate Workshop. Cambridge University, 5 July 2016.
13/02/2015 Documenting conversations in Jeju Language. Poster presentation at British
Researcher Links Workshop, Documenting and preserving indigenous
languages: principles, practices and tools. Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand, 08 – 14 February 2015.
12/09/2014 Some ideas on ‘language ideological clarification’ for language documentation
and description. Seoul National University, Workshop on Language
Documentation and Linguistic Typology.12 September 2014.
Academic assistance, consultancy and additional training
01/08/2023-17/08/2023 Programme committee member for the Foundation for Endangered
Languages FELXXVII 2023 conference in Rabat, Morocco, 23-25
Nov 2023.
11/2019–12/2019 Scientific committee member for Heritage Languages Around the
World conference, of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de
Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho,
Portuguese Program & Heritage Language Research Group at
UMass Amherst. Postponed to 19 – 21 May 2021 due to CoVid-19.
13/2019–11/2019 Conference organisation and assistance at The 3rd International
Jeju Studies Congress of the Jeju Research Institute‘s Center for
Jeju Studies: Jejueo Endangerment, Conservation and
Revitalization: Linguists’ Insights from Around the World. 11-13
November 2019, Jeju City.
11/2019 Linguistic consultancy for education department of Jeju Provincial
Government: knowledge exchange roundtable for Jejuan language
teachers at middle and high schools.
09/2014–09/2014 Assistant at the Endangered Languages Documentation
Programme scholars’ training workshop, SOAS University of
04/2013–09/2014 Student Research Assistant, Department of Linguistics, SOAS
University of London.
12/2012–03/2013 Archive Assistant, Endangered Languages Archive, Department of
Linguistics, SOAS University of London.
04/2012–06/2012 Internship at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
Leipzig under Dr Iren Hartmann: toolbox implementation of the
Comparative Siouan Dictionary under Dr Sven Grawunder: phonetic
analysis of German vowel lengthening.
03/2010–01/2012 Student assistant at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology Valency Classes Project under Prof Bernard Comrie,
Prof Martin Haspelmath, Prof Andrej Malchukov, Dr Iren Hartmann.
09/2011–09/2011 Training at summer school: Theory and Methods of Language
Documentation, University of Regensburg.
Grants, scholarships and awards
02/2023 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101106931 (JISL) under the EU
call HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 (score: 92.8/100)
05/2022 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101062595 (JISL) under the
EU call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 (score: 88/100)
03/2021 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101030740 (JILS) under the
EU call H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 (score: 85/100)
09/2016–08/2021 Five-year Laboratory Program for Korean Studies funded by the
Korean Studies Promotion Service, ‘Varieties of Korean: Global, Local and Individual’ (Proposal co-writer; AKS-2016-LAB-2250003, Amount: 1,470,000,000 KRW, ca. 1,040,454 EUR)
10/2013–09/2016 Individual Graduate Scholarship by the Endangered Languages
Documentation Programme by Arcadia Fund (IGS0208, Amount:
59,892 GBP, ca. 66,461.85 EUR)
10/2013–09/2016 UK Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Scheme
studentship (Amount: ca. 11,991 GBP in total, ca. 13,307.17 EUR)
10/2012–09/2013 1-year Graduate Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) (Amount: 15,025 EUR)
from 10/2023 Ricercatore con contratto a tempo determinato di tipo “B”, D.M. 445/2022. Assistant professorship for Korean language and literature. Department of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean, Università di Napoli L’Orientale.
09/2021-31/07/2023 Research Associate: Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
09/2016–09/2021 Research Fellow: Centre of Korean Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
Five-year Laboratory Program for Korean Studies funded by the Korean Studies Promotion Service (see Grants and Awards below). Linguistic research on Koreanic languages, especially Jejuan, a Koreanic language of Jeju Province, South Korea.
09/2013–11/2018 Ph.D. Linguistics: SOAS University of London: thesis on “Finiteness in Jejuan Adverbial Clauses – a Canonical Typology Approach.”
Supervisors: Prof Irina Nikolaeva, Prof Peter Austin and Prof Jaehoon Yeon (SOAS); Examiners: Prof Peter Sells (University of York), Prof Jieun Kiaer (University of Oxford).
09/2013–03/2018 Project lead: language documentation project ‘A multi-modal documentation of Jejuan conversations’ funded by Arcadia’s Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP).
10/2012–09/2013 MA Language Documentation and Description at SOAS University of London (Field Methods pathway): dissertation on ‘Language attitudes on Jeju Island – an analysis of attitudes towards language choice from an ethnographic perspective.’
10/2008–09/2012 BA Linguistics at University of Leipzig: thesis on ‘Valency Classes in Korean’, paired with on-line database at
Supervisors: Prof Martin Haspelmath (MPI EVA Leipzig) and Prof John Peterson (University of Kiel).
Academic teaching
since 02/2024 Letteratura Coreana 2 B.A. course: history of Korean literature, Joseon period.
since 10/2023 Lingua Coreana 2 Intermediate Korean language course for B.A. students, grammar-focused lecture.
05/2022 Invited workshop ‘Doing fieldwork, being human: an introduction to linguistic fieldwork and language documentation practice.’ Hands-on workshop on research practice and funding application for PhD-students at the Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea, Ca’ Foscari. Part of the PhD research student seminar of Prof. Elisabetta Ragagnin.
12/2021 Video lecture contribution to international course Languages, Cultures and Interaction in Asia under Prof Shimako Iwasaki and Prof Lucien Brown, at School of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne. Lecture topic: ‘Multilingual Asia – Korea.’
08/2020–05/2021 Temporary lectureship for MA course ‚Wissenschaftliche Lektüre Koreanisch’ [Reading Academic Texts in Korean] as part of Module ‘Scientific Readings in Korean’ at the Department of Japan and Korean Studies, University of Bonn. Focus on reading Korean literature on social and linguistic minorities in South Korea.
01/2020 Invited seminars for linguistic software training: Two consecutive seminars on ELAN software use for linguistics field research as part of Field Methods course of Prof. Lutz Marten, Linguistics department at SOAS University of London.
11/2017 and 11/2016 Romanisation of Korean Hangeul Script seminars, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, SOAS University of London.
02/2015–06/2015 Teaching and Marking Assistance in Department of Linguistics, SOAS University of London, MA course: Language Support and Revitalisation under Prof Julia Sallabank.
01/2015–05/ 2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant for BA course: Introduction to Grammatical Structure under Dr Aicha Belkadi, in the Department of Linguistics, SOAS University of London.
Research and publication profile
Kim, Soung-U. Under review. Les llengües coreàniques. To appear in Catalan in Junyent i Figueras, Maria Carme (ed.), Manual de les llengües del món [Handbook of the World’s Languages]. To be published as part of the project Grup de Lingüistes per la Diversitat (GLiDi) at the University of Barcelona.
Kim, Soung-U. Forthcoming. Cultivating awareness: ideologies of code choice and language documentation practice. Originally accepted for publication in special issue of Language Documentation and Conservation, now unpublished manuscript as of Aug 2023.
Kim, Soung-U and Lucien Brown. To appear in 2024. What do Korean speakers know about politeness? In Shin Kim, Mary (ed.), Exploring Korean politeness Across Online and Offline Interactions. Cham: Springer.
Brown, Lucien, Soung-U Kim & Hyunji Kim. 2022. The embodied enactment of politeness metapragmatics. Journal of Politeness Research 19(1). 149–83. [accessed 2023-03-06]
Dal Corso, Elia and Soung-U Kim (eds). 2022. Endangered Languages of East Asia: Typological Approaches to Language Obsolescence. Leiden: Brill.
Kim, Soung-U. 2022. Person-sensitivity and egophoricity in Jejuan: the -no/-ko suffixes. Jeon, Hae-Sung and Chen Xi (eds.), Japanese-Korean Linguistics 28. 259-273. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Kim, Soung-U. 2022. Jejuan corpus contribution to the DoReCo (Language Documentation Reference Corpora: Cross-linguistic phonetics and morphology using a time-aligned multilingual reference corpus built from documentations of 50 languages: Big data on small languages). Project at ZAS (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics) Berlin. [retrieved 2022-08-10]
Kim, Soung-U. 2021. Emotions and Relationships in Language Revitalisation and Maintenance. In Olko, Justyna and Julia Sallabank (eds.), 123-124. Revitalizing Endangered Languages: A Practical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kim, Soung-U. 2019. The morphosyntax of Jejuan –ko clause linkages. Language Research 55. 315–354. doi:10.30961/lr.2019.55.2.315.
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. A multi-modal documentation of Jejuan conversations. Online archive. London: SOAS, Endangered Languages Archive. URL: [accessed on 2020-09-08].
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. Documenting Diversity: Enriching Koreanic Linguistics Through Language Documentation. World Congress of Korean Studies. Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, South Korea, 12-14 Sep 2018.
Kim, Soung-U. 2018. Finiteness in Jejuan Adverbial Clauses: a Canonical Typology approach. SOAS University of London PhD thesis.
Kim, Soung-U. 2017. The End of Korean Monolingualism – Discovering a Multilingual Korea. 28th AKSE conference at Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2017.
Kim, Soung-U. 2015. Book review of Jeju Language and Tales from the Edge of the Korean Peninsula by Jieun Kiaer (Lincom). Published on LinguistList under [accessed on 2020-08-31].
Talks and poster presentations
05/05/2022 Egophoricity in Jejuan? A look at –no/-ko and –m=i- constructions. Conference
on Endangered Languages of East Asia CELEA2 at Ca’ Foscari, May 3-5 2022.
06/09/2021 Egophoric and evidential marking in Jejuan. Evidentiality 2.0: Integrating
egophoricity, focusing on equipollent contrasts, and re-examining visual
evidentials, University of Bern, 5th – 6th Sep 2021.
29/06/2021 The Embodied Enactment of Politeness Metapragmatics. 17th International Pragmatics Conference at Winterthur, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), 27th June to 2nd July 2021. With Lucien Brown as first author.
19/09/2020 Egophoric marking patterns in Jejuan. Japanese-Korean Linguistics 28 at
Lancaster University, held on-line, 7th – 20th September 2020.
11/07/2019 Talking Selves: Egophoricity and Jejuan Morphosyntax. 21st Biennial Meeting
of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. Monash University,
Melbourne, 10-12 July 2019.
11/07/2019 Emic Perspectives on Korean Politeness Metaconcepts: A Qualitative Study.
21st Biennial Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. Monash
University, Melbourne, 10-12 July 2019. With Lucien Brown as first author.
16/05/2019 Power through dialectology? Reflections on ideological motivations for
linguistic classification and description. Symposium on Ideologies, Attitudes,
and Power in Language Contact Settings. Stockholm University, 16-17 May 2019.
13/04/2019 Perceptions of code choice by Jeju islanders: a language ideological view. 29th
Academy of Korean Studies Europe conference. Sapienza University of Rome,
11–14 April 2019.
13/09/2018 Documenting Diversity: Enriching Koreanic Linguistics Through Language
Documentation. World Congress of Korean Studies. Academy of Korean
Studies, Seongnam, South Korea, 12-14 Sep 2018.
25/07/2018 Orthographic Prescriptivism and the Documentation of Koreanic. 3rd
International Conference on Documentary Linguistics – Asian Perspectives.
Mahidol University, Bangkok, 24-25 July 2018. First author Simon Barnes-
24/07/2018 Exploring ideologies of code choice for language documentation and
revitalisation. 3rd International Conference on Documentary Linguistics –
Asian Perspectives. Mahidol University, Bangkok, 24-25 July 2018.
04/07/2018 Managing ideology: language-ideological surveying for language revitalisation.
8th Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment. Cambridge University,
4 July 2018.
22/04/2017 The End of Korean Monolingualism – Discovering a Multilingual Korea. 28th
Academy of Korean Studies Europe conference at Charles University Prague,
Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2017
05/07/2016 Researching Endangered ‘Dialects’: countering ideologies of linguistic
subordination. Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group
Postgraduate Workshop. Cambridge University, 5 July 2016.
13/02/2015 Documenting conversations in Jeju Language. Poster presentation at British
Researcher Links Workshop, Documenting and preserving indigenous
languages: principles, practices and tools. Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand, 08 – 14 February 2015.
12/09/2014 Some ideas on ‘language ideological clarification’ for language documentation
and description. Seoul National University, Workshop on Language
Documentation and Linguistic Typology.12 September 2014.
Academic assistance, consultancy and additional training
01/08/2023-17/08/2023 Programme committee member for the Foundation for Endangered
Languages FELXXVII 2023 conference in Rabat, Morocco, 23-25
Nov 2023.
11/2019–12/2019 Scientific committee member for Heritage Languages Around the
World conference, of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de
Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho,
Portuguese Program & Heritage Language Research Group at
UMass Amherst. Postponed to 19 – 21 May 2021 due to CoVid-19.
13/2019–11/2019 Conference organisation and assistance at The 3rd International
Jeju Studies Congress of the Jeju Research Institute‘s Center for
Jeju Studies: Jejueo Endangerment, Conservation and
Revitalization: Linguists’ Insights from Around the World. 11-13
November 2019, Jeju City.
11/2019 Linguistic consultancy for education department of Jeju Provincial
Government: knowledge exchange roundtable for Jejuan language
teachers at middle and high schools.
09/2014–09/2014 Assistant at the Endangered Languages Documentation
Programme scholars’ training workshop, SOAS University of
04/2013–09/2014 Student Research Assistant, Department of Linguistics, SOAS
University of London.
12/2012–03/2013 Archive Assistant, Endangered Languages Archive, Department of
Linguistics, SOAS University of London.
04/2012–06/2012 Internship at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
Leipzig under Dr Iren Hartmann: toolbox implementation of the
Comparative Siouan Dictionary under Dr Sven Grawunder: phonetic
analysis of German vowel lengthening.
03/2010–01/2012 Student assistant at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology Valency Classes Project under Prof Bernard Comrie,
Prof Martin Haspelmath, Prof Andrej Malchukov, Dr Iren Hartmann.
09/2011–09/2011 Training at summer school: Theory and Methods of Language
Documentation, University of Regensburg.
Grants, scholarships and awards
02/2023 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101106931 (JISL) under the EU
call HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 (score: 92.8/100)
05/2022 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101062595 (JISL) under the
EU call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 (score: 88/100)
03/2021 Seal of Excellence for MSCA proposal 101030740 (JILS) under the
EU call H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 (score: 85/100)
09/2016–08/2021 Five-year Laboratory Program for Korean Studies funded by the
Korean Studies Promotion Service, ‘Varieties of Korean: Global, Local and Individual’ (Proposal co-writer; AKS-2016-LAB-2250003, Amount: 1,470,000,000 KRW, ca. 1,040,454 EUR)
10/2013–09/2016 Individual Graduate Scholarship by the Endangered Languages
Documentation Programme by Arcadia Fund (IGS0208, Amount:
59,892 GBP, ca. 66,461.85 EUR)
10/2013–09/2016 UK Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Scheme
studentship (Amount: ca. 11,991 GBP in total, ca. 13,307.17 EUR)
10/2012–09/2013 1-year Graduate Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) (Amount: 15,025 EUR)
Pubblicazioni (9)
Dataset (2)
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (3)
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
CICLO ANNUALE UNICO (23/09/2024 - 30/05/2025)
- 2024
48 ore
No Results Found