Fumian Marco
Professori/esse Associati/e
Course Catalogue:
Curriculum Vitae
Marco Fumian (1976)
2016 – Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Language and Literature at the Oriental University of Naples
2011/2016 – Researcher of Modern Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Chieti-Pescara
2009/2011 Research Fellow (assegno di ricerca) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2009 PhD in Chinese Language, Literature and Society at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Research interests:
Modern Chinese literature, Cultural Studies, Chinese Intellectual History and Political Practices; Literary Translation.
Ongoing projects:
Since March 2018 I have been editing the Italian online Journal Sinosfere, an academic publication for the broader audience offering in-depth investigations and discussions on Chinese Culture, Society, and Current Affairs.
Currently I am organizing a series of seminars dedicated to fostering a critical approach towards the current public discourse on China. Contributions will be published in a volume at the end of 2024.
Meanwhile, I am also conducting a research project titled Genealogies of Literary Form in Contemporary China aiming to explore the imbrications between narrative forms and political discourse in contemporary Chinese fiction.
Finally, I am Substitute Principal Investigator of the PRIN project “Chinese narratives and the narration of China in Italy: literature, cinema and art at the intersection of cultural diplomacy and cultural industry”
Most recent publications:
The Rise of a “Fudan Goddess”: Cultural Entrepreneurship in China Between Moral Education and Popular Culture. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2023 (Online First).
Fra democrazia e autocrazia. Studiare la Cina in un'epoca di conflitti ideologici. OrizzonteCina, 2023, 14.1: 4-22.
Mythorealism or Pararealism?: Yan Lianke's Short Fiction as a Key to Enter the Author's Representational World. In: The Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke. Routledge, 2022, pp. 49-69.
Fendou: A keyword of Chinese modernity. Modern Asian Studies, 2021, 55.4: 1268-1314.
Le origini e le eredità dell'avanguardia letteraria cinese degli anni Ottanta. In: La storia del giuggiolo (Ye Zhaoyan, traduzione e cura di Marco Fumian). Atmosphere, 2021. pp. 114-154.
Teaching and administration
Since 2016, I have been teaching courses of modern Chinese literature (B.A. and M.A. level), Chinese language and translation (B.A. and M.A. level) at the Oriental University of Naples.
Since 2017, member of the Doctoral Committee in Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies of the Oriental University of Naples.
Since 2020, member of the Teachers and Students Commission at the Oriental University of Naples.
© Copyright Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"
2016 – Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Language and Literature at the Oriental University of Naples
2011/2016 – Researcher of Modern Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Chieti-Pescara
2009/2011 Research Fellow (assegno di ricerca) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2009 PhD in Chinese Language, Literature and Society at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Research interests:
Modern Chinese literature, Cultural Studies, Chinese Intellectual History and Political Practices; Literary Translation.
Ongoing projects:
Since March 2018 I have been editing the Italian online Journal Sinosfere, an academic publication for the broader audience offering in-depth investigations and discussions on Chinese Culture, Society, and Current Affairs.
Currently I am organizing a series of seminars dedicated to fostering a critical approach towards the current public discourse on China. Contributions will be published in a volume at the end of 2024.
Meanwhile, I am also conducting a research project titled Genealogies of Literary Form in Contemporary China aiming to explore the imbrications between narrative forms and political discourse in contemporary Chinese fiction.
Finally, I am Substitute Principal Investigator of the PRIN project “Chinese narratives and the narration of China in Italy: literature, cinema and art at the intersection of cultural diplomacy and cultural industry”
Most recent publications:
The Rise of a “Fudan Goddess”: Cultural Entrepreneurship in China Between Moral Education and Popular Culture. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2023 (Online First).
Fra democrazia e autocrazia. Studiare la Cina in un'epoca di conflitti ideologici. OrizzonteCina, 2023, 14.1: 4-22.
Mythorealism or Pararealism?: Yan Lianke's Short Fiction as a Key to Enter the Author's Representational World. In: The Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke. Routledge, 2022, pp. 49-69.
Fendou: A keyword of Chinese modernity. Modern Asian Studies, 2021, 55.4: 1268-1314.
Le origini e le eredità dell'avanguardia letteraria cinese degli anni Ottanta. In: La storia del giuggiolo (Ye Zhaoyan, traduzione e cura di Marco Fumian). Atmosphere, 2021. pp. 114-154.
Teaching and administration
Since 2016, I have been teaching courses of modern Chinese literature (B.A. and M.A. level), Chinese language and translation (B.A. and M.A. level) at the Oriental University of Naples.
Since 2017, member of the Doctoral Committee in Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies of the Oriental University of Naples.
Since 2020, member of the Teachers and Students Commission at the Oriental University of Naples.
© Copyright Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"
Pubblicazioni (53)
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