Professori/esse Ordinari/e
Course Catalogue:
Curriculum Vitae
Professore Ordinario di Lingua e letteratura cinese
Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo
Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
Ph.D. Department of East Asian Languages, University of California at Berkeley, 1994.
M.A. Department of East Asian Languages, University of California at Berkeley, 1990.
Laurea School of Oriental Studies, University of Rome, "La Sapienza,” 1985.
Other Diploma of Specialization, Religious Studies Program, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, 1986.
Diploma in Chinese Language and Culture, Institute for Middle and Far Eastern Studies (Is.M.E.O.), Rome, 1984.
Carriera lavorativa
* Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”: Professore Ordinario (June 1, 2013 to present)
* University of Hawai’i at Manoa: Professor (2011–2013) Associate Professor (2002–2011) Assistant Professor (1999–2002) [Tenured since 2004]
* International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands) European Science Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow (1997– 1999)
* University of California at Berkeley: Lecturer (1994–1996)
Principali borse di studio e finanziamenti alla ricerca:
* ACLS Fellowship, Committee for Scholarly Communication with China (funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities), Peking University, August 2005–May 2006. Title of the project: “Male Love and Masculinity in Late Imperial Chinese Fiction—1600–1850.”
* University of Hawaii Research Council Grant, Peking University, August 2004. Recipient of the same summer grant for August 2002, August 2001, and June 2000.
* European Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship, August 1997–July 2000. International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands). Title of the project: “The Birth of Chinese Pornography.” (Declined since January 1, 1999.)
* Senior Visiting Fellowship, International Institute for Asian Studies, January–March 1997. * Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities Fellowship (University of California at Berkeley), Academic Year 1993- 1994.
* Fulbright Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley, 1988-1989.
Fengliu langzi de nanyou: wan Ming dao Qing mo de tongxinglian yu nanxing qizhi 風流浪子的男友:晚明到清末的同性戀與男性氣質. Taipei: Shibao Wenhua Chuban Qiye, 2022.
Le avventure di un ragazzo brutto. Ed. G. Vitiello. Roma: Orientalia Libri, 2016.
The Libertine’s Friend: Homosexuality and Masculinity in Late Imperial China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Ameng di Wu, La manica tagliata. Ed. G. Vitiello. Palermo: Sellerio, 1990 (reprinted 2010).
Bibliografia sinologica italiana. Ed. by Giovanni Vitiello, Roma: Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi, 1988.
Vita di una donna ossessionata e la pornografia tardo Ming. In Giorgio Casacchia (ed.), Vita di una donna ossessionata. Roma: Libreria Editrice Orientalia, 2017, 85–105.
Immortali e vampiri: taoismo e sessualità nella letteratura cinese pre-moderna. In Clara Bulfoni et al. (eds.), 文心Wenxin l'essenza della scrittura. Contributi in onore di Alessandra Cristina Lavagnino. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017, 47–56.
Zhongguo Ming Qing shiqi xiaoshuo zhong de nan tongxinglian wenti: cong Shuihu zhuan dao Pinhua baojian. 中国明清小说时期中得男同性恋问题:从“水浒传”到“品花宝鉴”. In Zhongguo wenxue yanjiu 中国文学研究 25 (2015), 77–86.
Chinese Literature: Classical to Modern. In Ellen McCullum & Mikko Tuhkanen (eds.), The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 125–142.
Piaceri imperiali: la corte nella letteratura erotica Ming e Qing. In Maurizio Scarpari & Tiziana Lippiello (eds.), Caro Maestro...: Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l’ottantesimo compleanno. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2005, 1229-1234.
Family Affairs: A Crazed Woman and Late Ming Pornography. In Antonino Forte and Federico Masini (eds.), A Life Journey to the East: Sinological Essays in Honour of Giuliano Bertuccioli. Kyoto: Italian Institute of East Asian Studies, 2002, 245-262.
Exemplary Sodomites: Chivalry and Love in Late Ming Culture. Nannü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 2: 2 (Fall 2000), 207-258.
The Forgotten Tears of the Lord of Longyang: Late Ming Stories of Male Prostitution and Connoisseurship. In Peter Engelfriet & Ian de Meyer (eds.), Linked Faiths: Essays on Chinese Religion and Traditional Culture in Honour of Kristopher Schipper. Leiden: Brill, 2000, 227-247.
The Fantastic Journey of an Ugly Boy: Homosexuality and Salvation in Late Ming Pornography. positions 4:2 (1996), 291-320. The Dragon's Whim: Ming and Qing Homoerotic Tales from The Cut Sleeve. T'oung Pao 78 (1992), 341-372.
Taoist Themes in Chinese Homoerotic Tales. In Michael Stemmeler & José Cabezon (eds.), Religion, Homosexuality, and Literature. Las Colinas: Monument Press, 1992, 95-103.
Shen Congwen (1906-1988.) Cina 22 (1990), 71-82.
Studio sul taoista Lu Xiujing (406-477). Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 47 (1987), 293-332.
Pan Gu: per lo studio del tema mitico dell'uovo cosmico e dell'uomo cosmico nell'area sino-tibetana. Cina 19 (1984), 7-27.
Voci di dizionari o enciclopedie:
“Pinhua baojian.” In Howard Chiang (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisequal, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History (New York: Scribner, 2019), vol. 3, 1236–1238.
“Xuanlan renniao shan jing tu” (Daozang 434.) In Kristopher Schipper & Franciscus Verellen (eds.), The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang, vol. 1 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), 421-422.
“Sandong zansong lingzhang” (Daozang 314.). In Kristopher Schipper & Franciscus Verellen (eds.), The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang, vol. 2 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), 1041.
Chinese Literature. In Claude Summers (ed.), The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage. New York: Henry Holt, 1995 [reprint, 2003], 162-165.
Suyoung Son, Writing for Print: Publishing and the Making of Textual Authority in Late Imperial China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2022. In Annali dell’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Sezione Orientale 82 (2022), pp. 243–264.
Stephen Owen & Kang-I Sun Chang (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature (Two Volumes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. China Review International 20 1/2 (2013), 54–60.
Martino Martini, S. J., Opera Omnia, vol. 3, ed. by Giuliano Bertuccioli (Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 2002.) China Review International 12:1 (Spring 2005), 194-197.
Naifei Ding, Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002). China Review International 10:1 (2003), 139-143.
Martino Martini, S. J., Opera Omnia, vols. 1 & 2, edited by Giuliano Bertuccioli (Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 1998). China Review International 7:2 (Fall 2000), 505- 509.
Bret Hinsch, Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), and of Ihara Saikaku, The Great Mirror of Male Love, ed. P. Schalow (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990). Journal of Homosexuality 25 (1992), 138-148.
Yuan Ke, Zhongguo shenhua chuanshuo cidian (Shanghai guji chubanshe: Shanghai 1985). Revue bibliographique de sinologie 4 (1986), 245-246.
From Ameng of Wu (comp.), The Cut Sleeve. In Mark Mitchell (ed.), The Penguin Book of International Gay Writing. New York: Viking, 1995, 31-39.
From Li Yu, Xianqing ouji. In Giuliano Bertuccioli (ed.), Mandarini e cortigiane. Editori Riuniti: Roma, 1988, 187-189 and 194-196.
Altre pubblicazioni:
Asians of the Same Intent. International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter 29 (Fall 2002), 6.
The Birth of Chinese Pornography. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter 12 (Spring 1997), 30.
Presentazioni a conferenze:
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the AFEC (Association Francaise des Etudes Chinoises), invited lecture, Paris, October 10, 2022.
Esotiche insidie: riflessioni sulla traduzione della letteratura cinese classica. Presentato al Laboratorio dulla traduzione DAAM “Teorie, spazie pratiche della traduzione, 8 aprile 2021.
The “Chinese College” of Naples and the Early History of Chinese Studies in Europe. Presented at the Shanghai Hamburg Forum, October 25, 2019.
I confini dell’osceno: la vita del Principe di Hailing tra storiografia e pornografia. Presentato al convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC), Venezia, 5–7 settembre 2019.
Il fantastico nella narrativa cinese classica: genesi e sviluppi. Lezione dottorale, Universita’ di Roma Tre, 22 maggio 2019.
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the conference “Comparative Pornographies: Transnational Approaches to Writing Sex, East and West,” William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Los Angeles, March 8–9, 2019.
“You peng zi yuanfang lai”: Li Madou Jiao you lun yiji Zhongguo wan Ming shiqi guanyu youyi de taolun (有朋自远方来:利玛窦“交友论”以及中国晚明时期关于友谊的讨论). Presented at the Shanghai Library, November 6, 2016.
The Rise of Erotic Fiction in Late Imperial China as a Cultural Phenomenon. Presented at the European Association for Chinese Studies meeting, St. Petersburg (Russia), August 2016.
La produzione erotica tardo-imperiale: problematiche e prospettive di ricerca. Presented at the Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC), Macerata, September 2015.
Immortali, vampiri e monaci lascivi: taoismo e sessualita’ nella letteratura cinese pre-moderna. Presented at the University of Milan–Bicocca, April 10, 2015.
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies meeting, Braga and Coimbra (Portugal), July 2014.
Ming Qing xiaoshuo zhong nanxing yu tongxinglian wenti 明清小说中男性与同性恋问题. Presented at the Department of Chinese, Fudan University, May 29, 2014.
Erotismo e letteratura cinese. Presented at “Milleunacina,” Naples, November 7, 2013.
Cent’anni di storie della letteratura cinese: tragitti recenti e nuovi orientamenti. Presented at the Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi, Procida, September 2013.
The Representation of Sex in Late Imperial China. Presented at the London Shunga Workshop: Erotic Art in a Comparative Context, organized by the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and the British Museum. London, May 20–21, 2011.
Hybrid Heroes: Masculinity and Homoeroticism in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction. Institute for Chinese Studies, China Seminar. University of Oxford, November 25, 2010.
Letteratura erotica e storia della sessualità nella Cina del tardo impero. Presented at the symposium “Romanzo poliziesco, letteratura erotica e droghe dell’immortalità: Seminario in occasione del centenario della nascita di Robert van Gulik (1910–2010). Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, November 18, 2010.
La narrativa vernacolare cinese del tardo impero. Università Statale di Milano, November 11, 2010.
The Emergence of Modern Sexuality: The Figure of the Female Impersonator in Late Qing and Modern Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Riga (Latvia), July 2010.
Demonic Passion: The White Lady in Late Ming Fiction. Presented at the Symposium “Re-imagining the White Snake: Text, Legend, and Transnational Appropriation.” University of Hawai’i at Manoa, February 6, 2010.
Homosexuality and Masculinity in Ming-Qing Erotic Fiction. Invited presentation at the conference “The Contested Discourses of Ming/Qing Literature and Culture.” Fudan University, Shanghai, January 7-8, 2009.
Libertine Masculinity: Homosociality and Homosexuality in Late Imperial Pornographic Fiction. Invited lecture, presented at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, October 28, 2008. [Revised version of paper presented at the Stanford Humanities Center in May 2008.]
Literature and Sexuality in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century China” (in Italian). University of Rome, “La Sapienza. May 25, 2008.
Libertine Masculinity: Homosociality and Homosexuality in Late Imperial Pornographic Fiction. Presented at the conference “Same-Sex Desire and Union in China: Interdisciplinary and Historical Perspectives.” Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, May 16-17, 2008.
Discussant for the panel “Late Ming Courtesans and Afterlives: Transaction, Transmission, Transfiguration.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2005.
Tracing the Boundaries of Masculinity: The Figure of the Libertine in Ming and Qing Erotic Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg (Germany), August 2004.
Heroic Sexuality: Friendship and Love in Late Imperial Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Moscow (Russia), August 2002.
Discussant for the panel “Chinese Masculinity: Issues of Gender and Power.” AAS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2002.
Family Affairs: Chi pozi zhuan and Late Ming Pornography. Presented at the International Convention of Asia Scholars, Berlin (Germany), Freie Universitat, August 2001.
Participant in the roundtable “Research on Women and Gender in Imperial China: Methods, Issues, Critiques, Future Directions.” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 2000.
Exemplary Sodomites: Chivalry and Love in Late Ming Culture. Presented at the National Central University, Chungli (Taiwan), September 1998. Also presented at the Seminar on Late Ming Culture, Leiden University, November 1998; and at the China Colloquia, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, April 1999.
The Birth of Chinese Pornography. Presented at The London China Seminar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, November 1997.
Exemplary Sodomites: Philosophy and Pornography in the Late Ming Period. Presented at the AAS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, April 1996.
The Fantastic Journey of an Ugly Boy: Homosexuality and Salvation in Late Ming Pornography. Presented at the symposium on "Desire, Sexuality, and the Body in Late Imperial and Modern China." Center for Chinese Studies, University of California at Berkeley, October 1994. Also presented, in a revised form, at the AAS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 1995.
"The Peasant Who Was Raped By a Dragon" and Other Stories: Ming and Qing Homoerotic Tales from The Cut Sleeve. Presented at the Seminar of Chinese Studies, Berkeley, March 1991.
Taoist Themes in Chinese Homoerotic Tales. Presented at the AAR (American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting, New Orleans (USA), November 1990.
Organizzazione di convegni:
The Study of Ming and Qing Literature in Euro-American Academia. University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Naples, June 29 – July 1, 2022.
Seminar on Late Ming Culture. International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, Fall 1998. Convenor: G. Vitiello; presenters: Peter Engelfriet, Kristopher Schipper, Harriet Zurndorfer (Leiden University), Nicolas Standaert (Leuven Catholic University, Belgium), G. Vitiello (IIAS.)
Altre attività:
Italian translation of film dialogues for Everlasting Sorrow (Chang hen ge). Directed by Stanley Kwan, Hong Kong, 2005.
Guest Editor: “Asian Homosexualities.” International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter 29 (Fall 2002), 6-14.
Italian translation of film dialogues for Millennium Mambo. Directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien, Taiwan, 2001.
Interview for the BBC World Service, East Asia Today. “Out in Asia: Gay China” (broadcast on November 14, 2000):
Affiliazioni professionali:
Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC)
Professore Ordinario di Lingua e letteratura cinese
Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo
Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
Ph.D. Department of East Asian Languages, University of California at Berkeley, 1994.
M.A. Department of East Asian Languages, University of California at Berkeley, 1990.
Laurea School of Oriental Studies, University of Rome, "La Sapienza,” 1985.
Other Diploma of Specialization, Religious Studies Program, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, 1986.
Diploma in Chinese Language and Culture, Institute for Middle and Far Eastern Studies (Is.M.E.O.), Rome, 1984.
Carriera lavorativa
* Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”: Professore Ordinario (June 1, 2013 to present)
* University of Hawai’i at Manoa: Professor (2011–2013) Associate Professor (2002–2011) Assistant Professor (1999–2002) [Tenured since 2004]
* International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands) European Science Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow (1997– 1999)
* University of California at Berkeley: Lecturer (1994–1996)
Principali borse di studio e finanziamenti alla ricerca:
* ACLS Fellowship, Committee for Scholarly Communication with China (funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities), Peking University, August 2005–May 2006. Title of the project: “Male Love and Masculinity in Late Imperial Chinese Fiction—1600–1850.”
* University of Hawaii Research Council Grant, Peking University, August 2004. Recipient of the same summer grant for August 2002, August 2001, and June 2000.
* European Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship, August 1997–July 2000. International Institute for Asian Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands). Title of the project: “The Birth of Chinese Pornography.” (Declined since January 1, 1999.)
* Senior Visiting Fellowship, International Institute for Asian Studies, January–March 1997. * Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities Fellowship (University of California at Berkeley), Academic Year 1993- 1994.
* Fulbright Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley, 1988-1989.
Fengliu langzi de nanyou: wan Ming dao Qing mo de tongxinglian yu nanxing qizhi 風流浪子的男友:晚明到清末的同性戀與男性氣質. Taipei: Shibao Wenhua Chuban Qiye, 2022.
Le avventure di un ragazzo brutto. Ed. G. Vitiello. Roma: Orientalia Libri, 2016.
The Libertine’s Friend: Homosexuality and Masculinity in Late Imperial China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Ameng di Wu, La manica tagliata. Ed. G. Vitiello. Palermo: Sellerio, 1990 (reprinted 2010).
Bibliografia sinologica italiana. Ed. by Giovanni Vitiello, Roma: Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi, 1988.
Vita di una donna ossessionata e la pornografia tardo Ming. In Giorgio Casacchia (ed.), Vita di una donna ossessionata. Roma: Libreria Editrice Orientalia, 2017, 85–105.
Immortali e vampiri: taoismo e sessualità nella letteratura cinese pre-moderna. In Clara Bulfoni et al. (eds.), 文心Wenxin l'essenza della scrittura. Contributi in onore di Alessandra Cristina Lavagnino. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017, 47–56.
Zhongguo Ming Qing shiqi xiaoshuo zhong de nan tongxinglian wenti: cong Shuihu zhuan dao Pinhua baojian. 中国明清小说时期中得男同性恋问题:从“水浒传”到“品花宝鉴”. In Zhongguo wenxue yanjiu 中国文学研究 25 (2015), 77–86.
Chinese Literature: Classical to Modern. In Ellen McCullum & Mikko Tuhkanen (eds.), The Cambridge History of Gay and Lesbian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 125–142.
Piaceri imperiali: la corte nella letteratura erotica Ming e Qing. In Maurizio Scarpari & Tiziana Lippiello (eds.), Caro Maestro...: Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l’ottantesimo compleanno. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2005, 1229-1234.
Family Affairs: A Crazed Woman and Late Ming Pornography. In Antonino Forte and Federico Masini (eds.), A Life Journey to the East: Sinological Essays in Honour of Giuliano Bertuccioli. Kyoto: Italian Institute of East Asian Studies, 2002, 245-262.
Exemplary Sodomites: Chivalry and Love in Late Ming Culture. Nannü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 2: 2 (Fall 2000), 207-258.
The Forgotten Tears of the Lord of Longyang: Late Ming Stories of Male Prostitution and Connoisseurship. In Peter Engelfriet & Ian de Meyer (eds.), Linked Faiths: Essays on Chinese Religion and Traditional Culture in Honour of Kristopher Schipper. Leiden: Brill, 2000, 227-247.
The Fantastic Journey of an Ugly Boy: Homosexuality and Salvation in Late Ming Pornography. positions 4:2 (1996), 291-320. The Dragon's Whim: Ming and Qing Homoerotic Tales from The Cut Sleeve. T'oung Pao 78 (1992), 341-372.
Taoist Themes in Chinese Homoerotic Tales. In Michael Stemmeler & José Cabezon (eds.), Religion, Homosexuality, and Literature. Las Colinas: Monument Press, 1992, 95-103.
Shen Congwen (1906-1988.) Cina 22 (1990), 71-82.
Studio sul taoista Lu Xiujing (406-477). Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 47 (1987), 293-332.
Pan Gu: per lo studio del tema mitico dell'uovo cosmico e dell'uomo cosmico nell'area sino-tibetana. Cina 19 (1984), 7-27.
Voci di dizionari o enciclopedie:
“Pinhua baojian.” In Howard Chiang (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisequal, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History (New York: Scribner, 2019), vol. 3, 1236–1238.
“Xuanlan renniao shan jing tu” (Daozang 434.) In Kristopher Schipper & Franciscus Verellen (eds.), The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang, vol. 1 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), 421-422.
“Sandong zansong lingzhang” (Daozang 314.). In Kristopher Schipper & Franciscus Verellen (eds.), The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang, vol. 2 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), 1041.
Chinese Literature. In Claude Summers (ed.), The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage. New York: Henry Holt, 1995 [reprint, 2003], 162-165.
Suyoung Son, Writing for Print: Publishing and the Making of Textual Authority in Late Imperial China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2022. In Annali dell’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Sezione Orientale 82 (2022), pp. 243–264.
Stephen Owen & Kang-I Sun Chang (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature (Two Volumes). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. China Review International 20 1/2 (2013), 54–60.
Martino Martini, S. J., Opera Omnia, vol. 3, ed. by Giuliano Bertuccioli (Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 2002.) China Review International 12:1 (Spring 2005), 194-197.
Naifei Ding, Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002). China Review International 10:1 (2003), 139-143.
Martino Martini, S. J., Opera Omnia, vols. 1 & 2, edited by Giuliano Bertuccioli (Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento, 1998). China Review International 7:2 (Fall 2000), 505- 509.
Bret Hinsch, Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), and of Ihara Saikaku, The Great Mirror of Male Love, ed. P. Schalow (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990). Journal of Homosexuality 25 (1992), 138-148.
Yuan Ke, Zhongguo shenhua chuanshuo cidian (Shanghai guji chubanshe: Shanghai 1985). Revue bibliographique de sinologie 4 (1986), 245-246.
From Ameng of Wu (comp.), The Cut Sleeve. In Mark Mitchell (ed.), The Penguin Book of International Gay Writing. New York: Viking, 1995, 31-39.
From Li Yu, Xianqing ouji. In Giuliano Bertuccioli (ed.), Mandarini e cortigiane. Editori Riuniti: Roma, 1988, 187-189 and 194-196.
Altre pubblicazioni:
Asians of the Same Intent. International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter 29 (Fall 2002), 6.
The Birth of Chinese Pornography. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter 12 (Spring 1997), 30.
Presentazioni a conferenze:
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the AFEC (Association Francaise des Etudes Chinoises), invited lecture, Paris, October 10, 2022.
Esotiche insidie: riflessioni sulla traduzione della letteratura cinese classica. Presentato al Laboratorio dulla traduzione DAAM “Teorie, spazie pratiche della traduzione, 8 aprile 2021.
The “Chinese College” of Naples and the Early History of Chinese Studies in Europe. Presented at the Shanghai Hamburg Forum, October 25, 2019.
I confini dell’osceno: la vita del Principe di Hailing tra storiografia e pornografia. Presentato al convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC), Venezia, 5–7 settembre 2019.
Il fantastico nella narrativa cinese classica: genesi e sviluppi. Lezione dottorale, Universita’ di Roma Tre, 22 maggio 2019.
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the conference “Comparative Pornographies: Transnational Approaches to Writing Sex, East and West,” William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Los Angeles, March 8–9, 2019.
“You peng zi yuanfang lai”: Li Madou Jiao you lun yiji Zhongguo wan Ming shiqi guanyu youyi de taolun (有朋自远方来:利玛窦“交友论”以及中国晚明时期关于友谊的讨论). Presented at the Shanghai Library, November 6, 2016.
The Rise of Erotic Fiction in Late Imperial China as a Cultural Phenomenon. Presented at the European Association for Chinese Studies meeting, St. Petersburg (Russia), August 2016.
La produzione erotica tardo-imperiale: problematiche e prospettive di ricerca. Presented at the Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC), Macerata, September 2015.
Immortali, vampiri e monaci lascivi: taoismo e sessualita’ nella letteratura cinese pre-moderna. Presented at the University of Milan–Bicocca, April 10, 2015.
Books to Burn: Pornography and Censorship in Late Imperial China. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies meeting, Braga and Coimbra (Portugal), July 2014.
Ming Qing xiaoshuo zhong nanxing yu tongxinglian wenti 明清小说中男性与同性恋问题. Presented at the Department of Chinese, Fudan University, May 29, 2014.
Erotismo e letteratura cinese. Presented at “Milleunacina,” Naples, November 7, 2013.
Cent’anni di storie della letteratura cinese: tragitti recenti e nuovi orientamenti. Presented at the Meeting of the Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi, Procida, September 2013.
The Representation of Sex in Late Imperial China. Presented at the London Shunga Workshop: Erotic Art in a Comparative Context, organized by the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and the British Museum. London, May 20–21, 2011.
Hybrid Heroes: Masculinity and Homoeroticism in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction. Institute for Chinese Studies, China Seminar. University of Oxford, November 25, 2010.
Letteratura erotica e storia della sessualità nella Cina del tardo impero. Presented at the symposium “Romanzo poliziesco, letteratura erotica e droghe dell’immortalità: Seminario in occasione del centenario della nascita di Robert van Gulik (1910–2010). Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, November 18, 2010.
La narrativa vernacolare cinese del tardo impero. Università Statale di Milano, November 11, 2010.
The Emergence of Modern Sexuality: The Figure of the Female Impersonator in Late Qing and Modern Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Riga (Latvia), July 2010.
Demonic Passion: The White Lady in Late Ming Fiction. Presented at the Symposium “Re-imagining the White Snake: Text, Legend, and Transnational Appropriation.” University of Hawai’i at Manoa, February 6, 2010.
Homosexuality and Masculinity in Ming-Qing Erotic Fiction. Invited presentation at the conference “The Contested Discourses of Ming/Qing Literature and Culture.” Fudan University, Shanghai, January 7-8, 2009.
Libertine Masculinity: Homosociality and Homosexuality in Late Imperial Pornographic Fiction. Invited lecture, presented at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, October 28, 2008. [Revised version of paper presented at the Stanford Humanities Center in May 2008.]
Literature and Sexuality in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century China” (in Italian). University of Rome, “La Sapienza. May 25, 2008.
Libertine Masculinity: Homosociality and Homosexuality in Late Imperial Pornographic Fiction. Presented at the conference “Same-Sex Desire and Union in China: Interdisciplinary and Historical Perspectives.” Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, May 16-17, 2008.
Discussant for the panel “Late Ming Courtesans and Afterlives: Transaction, Transmission, Transfiguration.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2005.
Tracing the Boundaries of Masculinity: The Figure of the Libertine in Ming and Qing Erotic Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg (Germany), August 2004.
Heroic Sexuality: Friendship and Love in Late Imperial Fiction. Presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Moscow (Russia), August 2002.
Discussant for the panel “Chinese Masculinity: Issues of Gender and Power.” AAS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2002.
Family Affairs: Chi pozi zhuan and Late Ming Pornography. Presented at the International Convention of Asia Scholars, Berlin (Germany), Freie Universitat, August 2001.
Participant in the roundtable “Research on Women and Gender in Imperial China: Methods, Issues, Critiques, Future Directions.” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 2000.
Exemplary Sodomites: Chivalry and Love in Late Ming Culture. Presented at the National Central University, Chungli (Taiwan), September 1998. Also presented at the Seminar on Late Ming Culture, Leiden University, November 1998; and at the China Colloquia, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, April 1999.
The Birth of Chinese Pornography. Presented at The London China Seminar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, November 1997.
Exemplary Sodomites: Philosophy and Pornography in the Late Ming Period. Presented at the AAS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, April 1996.
The Fantastic Journey of an Ugly Boy: Homosexuality and Salvation in Late Ming Pornography. Presented at the symposium on "Desire, Sexuality, and the Body in Late Imperial and Modern China." Center for Chinese Studies, University of California at Berkeley, October 1994. Also presented, in a revised form, at the AAS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 1995.
"The Peasant Who Was Raped By a Dragon" and Other Stories: Ming and Qing Homoerotic Tales from The Cut Sleeve. Presented at the Seminar of Chinese Studies, Berkeley, March 1991.
Taoist Themes in Chinese Homoerotic Tales. Presented at the AAR (American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting, New Orleans (USA), November 1990.
Organizzazione di convegni:
The Study of Ming and Qing Literature in Euro-American Academia. University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Naples, June 29 – July 1, 2022.
Seminar on Late Ming Culture. International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, Fall 1998. Convenor: G. Vitiello; presenters: Peter Engelfriet, Kristopher Schipper, Harriet Zurndorfer (Leiden University), Nicolas Standaert (Leuven Catholic University, Belgium), G. Vitiello (IIAS.)
Altre attività:
Italian translation of film dialogues for Everlasting Sorrow (Chang hen ge). Directed by Stanley Kwan, Hong Kong, 2005.
Guest Editor: “Asian Homosexualities.” International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter 29 (Fall 2002), 6-14.
Italian translation of film dialogues for Millennium Mambo. Directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien, Taiwan, 2001.
Interview for the BBC World Service, East Asia Today. “Out in Asia: Gay China” (broadcast on November 14, 2000):
Affiliazioni professionali:
Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi (AISC)
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